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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语同步练习   阅读:9183



一. 听录音,选择,勾出正确的答案。(10分)

(1)             (2)               (3)

A       B         A         B           A         B          (4)                                     (5)

A   B                   A      B

二、听录音,判断对错,打 √ 或打×。(10分)

1.        2.         3.

(     )               (     )                 (     )

4.                        5.

(     )                 (     )


(1) Let me clean the door / desk.

(2) Where is the fridge / friend?

(3) Look! They are on the shelf / sofa.

(4) Pass me the plate / fork, please.

(5) Is she in the kitchen / chicken?

四、听一听,连一连,把Amy 去过的地方连起来。(10分)


1.11+(    )=54

2.13+ 22=(     )

3.(    )+ 10 = 45

4.A:What‘s in your _______?

B:  There are 4________.

5. A:Have some _______,please.

B: No, thanks. I like ______  and   _________.

6. A: What’s your _______?

B: He‘s a ________.

六、听音连线( 10分)


(      ) 1.A. Yes , you do . B.Yes, I do.

C.Yes. Pass me a plate,please.

(      ) 2.A. Wait and see.  B. I’d like some soup.

C.Sure.Here you are.

(      ) 3. A. He‘s a teacher.  B. She’s a teacher. C. He‘s tall.

(      ) 4. A. She’s a nurse.  B. Yes,she is.   C. Yes,he is .

(      ) 5.A. She‘s a cat.    B. Is she in the living room?

C. Hey, your cat!



Welcome to my  ___1___! Look! This is my room.

It’s nice. There is a desk, a  ___2___ and a small  ___3___ in it. There is a picture on the desk. You can see my mother in the picture. She is a  ___4___. She likes ___5___ very much.

1.(   )2.(   )3.(   )4.(   )5.(   )

九.. 读对话,将上下图片连线。(8分)

1. My ruler is near the pencil-case.

2. A: Can you see the computer?

B: Yes. It‘s in the study.

3. A: Do you like juice?

B: Sure. Where is it?

A: In the fridge.

4. A: Where are the fork and spoon?

B: They are on the plate.


Hello,welcome to my family.I’m Dick,I‘m from Canada. But now I’m in Dongguan,because ( 因为 )  my father is a teacher in Dongguan . My mather is a nurse,she‘s beautiful.  I like Chinese food ,but I can’t use chopsticks.I have two good friends. They‘re Zhang Ming and Wang Tao.

They like sports. We play gootball every day.

1. (    )Dick is from UK.

2. (    )Dick doesn’t like Chinese food.

3. (    )Dick likes rice .

4. (    )Dick can use chopsticks.

5. (    )Dick‘s mother is an actress.

6. (    )Dick likes football.



一、 听录音,选择,勾出正确的答案。读两遍。

1.  My friend is a girl. She has long hair.

2. Look at the door.

3. How many story-books do you have? I have thirty-one.

4.  I have a new notebook. It’s so nice.

5.  What‘s your uncle? He’s a doctor.

二、听录音,判断对错,打 √ 或打×。读两遍。

1.Go to the classroom.Clean the door.

2.Where‘s my puppy?  He’s in the bathroom.

3.This is my family.

4.Wu Yifan likes Chinese food.

5.I ‘m in rh study. I read a book..


1.  Let me clean the desk.

2.  Where is the fridge?

3.  Look! They are on the shelf.

4.  Pass me the fork, please.

5.  Is she in the kitchen?

四、听一听,连一连,把Amy 去过的地方连起来。

1.Amy,where are you ?Are you in the living room?  Yes , I am.

2.Is Amy in the study? No,she isn’t. She‘s in the classroom.

3.Amy ,let’s have a snack.  OK,go to the kitchen with me.

4. Let‘s go to school,Amy.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 四年级英语同步练习
