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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语同步练习   阅读:9726



( )1. ph _ ne

A. o B. e C. a

( )2. y _ sterd _ y

A. e,e B. a,e C. e,a

( )3. l _ _ gh

A. ou B. au C. uo

( )4. d _ _ ce

A. an B. un C. en

( )5. l _ st A. e B. a C. u


( )1. A. hair B. day C. face

( )2. A. sister B. brother C. dance

( )3. A. yesterday B. east C. south

( )4. A. meat B. rice C. phone

( )5. A. better B. cooked C. played


1.打乒乓球 ______________________________

2.听音乐 ______________________________

3.看电视 ______________________________

4.玩电脑 ______________________________

5.在北边 ______________________________

6. a famous city ______________________________

7. cook fish __________________________

8. talk to some friends __________________________

9.last weekend __________________________

10.play the zither __________________________

11. two big red hens __________________________


help ________________ play _________________

listen _________________ walk _________________

talk _________________ point _________________

jump _________________ is _________________

are _________________ laugh _________________


( )1. On Monday Amy phoned grandpa.

( )2. Grandma and grandpa walked in the park.

( )3. Tom and Sam helped their mother.

( )4. On Sunday, Amy’s grandparents listened to music.

( )5. Amy’s father played on the computer .


( )1.Did Daming and Lingling play football?

( )2.Did Amy watch TV on Sunday?

( )3.Did you play football on Saturday?

( )4.What do you do at the weekend?

( )5.Is she listenling to the radio now?

( )6.Were you four?

( )7.What are you doing?

( )8.Were they young?

( )9.Are they playing basketball?

( )10.Where is Tom from?

A. No, we didn’t. F. I listen to music.

B. Yes, she is. G. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, they did. H. He is from Mexico.

D. No, I wasn’t. I. I’m reading a book.

E. No, they weren’t. J. No, she didn’t.


1. I listened to the radio on Sunday.(改成一般疑问句)


2. Did you play football on Saturday? (肯定回答)


4.Come _______me.

5.His eyes_________(hurt






标签: 2014   四年级英语同步练习
