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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9262



时间:50分 满分:100分

一.听力。(听音,选择你所听到的单词) (10分)

( )1.A:strong B:short  C:tall

( )2.A:Chinese B:math C:English

( )3.A:Kind B:find C:like

( )4.A:Tuesday B:Thursday C:Saturday

( )5.A:homework B:housework C:work


( )1.young  A:年轻的 B:老的

( )2.short  A:高的 B:矮的

( )3.Principal A:校长 B:老师

( )4.Tuesday  A:星期二 B:星期四

( )5.Saturday   A:星期天 B:星期六

( )6.Cabbge  A:青菜 B:卷心菜

( )7.Watch TV  A:看书 B:看电视

( )8.pork  A:猪肉 B:牛肉

( )9.Tomato A:西红柿 B:土豆

( )10.tofu    A:白菜 B:豆腐

三、连线(一问一答) (15分)

1.What do you do on Sunday? 1.Chinese math and computer

2.What’s you favourite food ? 2.tomato and pork

3.What’s he like? 3.Wednesday

4.What day is it today? 4.play computer games

5.What do you have on Tuesday? 5.He’s tall and strong


( )1.Today is Monday . tomorrow is .

A:Tuesday B:Thursday C:Wednesday

( )2.I often read books . do my home work and TV

A:play B:do C:watch

( )3. Miss chen is my (语文)teacher .She’s very__ (善良).

A:English .kind B:Chinese .kind C:math .smart

( )4.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? .

A:tomatoes B:book C:English

( )5.Our English teacher is tall strong.

A:or B:and C:but

五、填空。(填入正确的译文单词) (15分)

(1)math (2)Chinese (3)English (4)music (5)P.E (6)play computer games (7)Tuesday (8) Wednesday (9)Friday (10)Saturday (11)Thursday (12)Monday

例:I have an English (英语)class at 8:00 on Monday(星期一)

1.I have a (语文)class at 9:15 on (星期五)。

2.At 10:00 on (星期四) I have (数学)class.

3.There is a (音乐)class at 10:15 on (星期二)

4.I like (星期三)。We have (体育)class on Wednesday.

5.I (玩电脑游戏)on (星期六)and Sunday.


1.favourite your food what’s(连成一句话)

2.tall strong and She’s very(连成一句话)

3.Chinese teacher My very kind(连成一句话)

4.My P.E teacher is very strong(翻译)

5.We have English math Chinese on Monday (翻译)

七.阅读 (10分)

My name is Alice .My favourite day is Monday .Because

I have computer .Chinese and music .I like music .We have gree

beans .tomato .cabbage for lanch .green beans is my favourite

food ,but my friend Amy doesn’t like it .After school.I play

computer games and watch TV.

(根据上面短文内容判断下面句子是否正确,正确T 错误F)

( )1.Alice and Amy are friends .

( ) 2.Alice likes Monday.

( ) 3.Amy likes green beans.

( ) 4.Alice has P.E class on Monday.

( )5.Alice can’t watch TV after school.


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