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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9732

Can you call it a monkey ?

13. This a horse .(变复数形式)

These are horses .

14. That is a tiger .(变复数形式)

Those are tigers .

15. A horse can run .(改为一般疑问句)

Can a horse run ?

16. We call it a kid .(划线部分提问)

What do you call it ?


1. What’s your name ?

My name is Mary .

2. What’s your mother’s job ?

She is a teacher .

3. What do we call a baby sheep ?

We call it a lamb .

4. Is your father a driver ?

Yes , he is . / No , he isn’t .

5. Are these your pens ?(用yes回答)

Yes , they are .

6. Is this your bike ?(用no回答)

No, it isn’t .

7. Is a lamb’s mother a sheep ?

Yes , it is .

8. What are those ?

They are hens .

9. Can you ride a bike ?

Yes , I can . / No , I can’t .

10. What can you do ?

I can swim .


Come and look at the picture . It’s a picture of an American family . The man in the hat is Mr. Joan House . He’s a teacher . He teacher English in a middle school in China .

You can see Mrs House , too . She’s from Canada(加拿大). Mr. And Mrs. House have two children , Tome and Mary . Tom’s ten and Mary’s eight . They’re at Mr. and Mrs. House’s school .

( √ )1. Tom’s father in the picture is in the hat .

( × )2. Mary’s father is Canadian(加拿大)and her mother is American .

( √ )3. Mrs. House is a teacher .

( √ )4. Tom , Mary and their father and mother are in the same school .

( × )5. Their school is in Canada .


Horses can run . 1 can run fast . A horse has two ears , two 2 , a nose and a 3 . Horses eat 4 . Some horses like apples , too . Horses 5 water . They drink a lot of water .

( C )1. A. These horses B. Horse C. Horses

( B )2. A. eye B. eyes C. head

( B )3. A. month B. mouth C. mouths

( A )4. A. grass B. grasses C. meat

( C )5. A. drinks B. drinking C. drink


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