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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9491



( )1. A. computer  B. math  C. science

( )2. A. Monday  B. Tuesday  C. Thursday

( )3. A. do homework  B. play sports  C. watch TV

( )4. A. potato  B. eggplant  C. cabbage

( )5. A. salty  B. tasty  C. sour


( ) 1、I have Chinese , P.E. and music on Tuesdays.

( )2、--Who‘s that young lady?--She‘s our math teacher.

( )3、Our principal is kind and active.

( ) 4、Chen Jie is hungry . She‘d like green beans and cabbage for dinner.

( ) 5、Bananas are my favourite fruit , because they‘re healthy.


( ) 1. A. It‘s Thursday.B. I have P.E.

( )2. A. His name is Wu Yifan.B. He‘s tall and strong.

( )3. A. I often watch TV.B. I like football.

( )4. A. Yes, he is.B. He‘s our principal.

( )5. A. No. she isn‘t. She‘s kind.B. He‘s young.


( ) I know. He‘s my father.

( )What‘s he like?

( )Mr Carter. He‘s from Canada.

( )He‘s tall and strong. He‘s very funny.

( )Who‘s your English teacher?


A: Hi, Lily. I have a new friend. Her name is Sarah.

B: What‘s she ______?

A: She‘s ____ and thin. We are in the same class.

B: What do you have on _______?

A: We have English, ______ , music and P.E.

B: What‘s her favorite food?

A:Her favorite food is tofu. Because it‘s ______.


一、在下列每组词语后补充一个相同类别的单词,并将其写在横线上。(5分)  1、young,tall___________




5、play computer games,do housework_____________________


( ) 1. I don‘t like grapes.

They are ____.

A .sweet  B. sour  C. healthy

( ) 2. ---What would you like for lunch?

-- I‘d like some ______.

A. green beans  B. green bean  C. bean

( ) 3. What ______you?

A. are  B. about  C. do

( ) 4. What do you ______on Saturdays?

A. do  B. are  C. does

( ) 5._______is the first day in a week.

A. Friday  B. Monday  C. Sunday

( ) 6. Do you have a new teacher?

A. Yes, I am.  B. No, I don‘t.  C. No, I do.

( ) 7. --- _______your math teacher?

--- Mr Zhao.

A. What‘s  B. Who‘s  C. Where‘s

( ) 8. --- What‘s he like?

--- He‘s _______.

A. funny  B. fun  C. principal

( ) 9. --- Is she quiet?

--- _______

A. Yes, she isn‘t.  B. No, she is.  C. No, she isn‘t.

( ) 10. It‘s time ______get up. Hurry up!

A. for  B. on  C. to


1、likeWhatMissWhitei s( )(连词成句)


2、foodyourWhat‘sfavourite( )(连词成句)


3、We have art and music at Mondays.(改错句)


4、What do you do on Sundays?(根据实际情况回答)


5、Is your English teacher strict?(做否定回答)



(  )1.What would you like for lunch?    A. I like apples.

(  )2. What do you have on Thursdays?  B. I have English and music.

(  )3. What‘s your favourite fruit?     C. She is young and pretty.

(  )4. What‘s your English teacher like?  D. It‘s Saturday.

(  )5. What day is it tomorrow?      E. I‘d like some pork and tomatoes.

标签: 暂无联系方式 五年级英语试卷
