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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9262




1.Wang Ming and his parents in Shang hai now.

A. live B. lives C. living

2.We our classroom 。

A. like B. likes C. live

3.----Is there a pen on the desk? ----

A. No, there is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there‘s.

4.There a pair of shoes under the bed.

A. is B. are C. be

5.Are there maps Nan jing on the wall?

A. some, in B. any, of C. a, at

6.Here some orange juice you.

A. are, to B. is, for C. \ , on

7.Is there orange on the table?

A. a B. an C. the

8.----What in the bedroom? ----There is a chair.

A. is B. are C. are there

9.There any bikes near the room.

A. are B. isn’t C. aren‘t


1.所有的女孩 2. near the bed

3. 许多花草树木 4. behind the door

5. 她的父母亲 6. a large kitchen

7.一张世界地图 8. 住 在。..

9. 我 确 信。 10.非 常


1. there any dolls in your room?

2. Is there engineer in the factory(工厂 )?

3. There (not) a swing in the garden.

4. Here a pen for Nancy.

5. There a desk and two chairs over there.

6. There two chairs and a desk over there.


1. I can see two birds the tree.

2. There are some apples the plate.

3. Wang Hua is Chen Ming and Zhang Qiang.

4. My shoes are the bed.

5. The park is the supermarket.

6. The boy big eyes is his brother.

7. That woman a red skirt is my mother.

8. The umbrellas are the door.

五、阅读短文, 并根据短文内容填空

This is a picture of Li Ming’s bedroom. It‘s not big, but it’s very bright. It‘s a nice room. In the bedroom, we can see a bed, a chair, a desk and a cat. On the wall of the room, there are some pictures and a photo of their family. Li Ming’s green coat is on his bed, but his shoes are under the bed. There are some books and a pencil-box on the desk. Where‘s the white cat? It’s under the chair.

1. This is a of Li Ming‘s 。

2. It’s a room.

3. We can see a bed, a chair and pictures.

4.There are on the desk.

5. There ‘s a under the chair.



标签: 暂无联系方式 五年级英语试卷
