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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语暑假作业   阅读:9645


Listening Part 听力部分(共四大题,计40分)


( )1、A、wait B、want C、what

( )2、A、work B、walk C、wake

( )3、A、feel B、fall C、fail

( )4、A、stop B、drop C、shop

( )5、A、worry B、sorry C、angry

( )6、A、mother B、father C、brother

( )7、A、watched B、what C、today

( )8、A、evening B、fever C、have

( )9、A、today B、tonight C、yesterday

( )10、A、last B、late C、go


( )1、A、I’m 46 kg.

B、Tom is 3 kg heavier than me.

C、Mike is taller than me.

( )2、A、I’m tired.

B、I’m twelve years old.

C、He is tired.

( )3、A、she is 162 cm tall

B、My bed is 200 cm long.

C、I’m shorter than Tom.

( )4、A、I have a headache.

B、Her nose hurts.

C、You look so happy.

( )5、A、She is short and fat.

B、He is tall and thin.

C、He is a student.


Last Sunday, Mike was very . In the morning, he to a park with his friends. They football. Then they went together. the afternoon, Mike his homework and a book. In the , he felt a little , So he went to early.


( )1、I’m going to buy a skirt.

( )2、I feel very sad.

( )3、He is younger than his teacher.

( )4、Your shoes are bigger than mine.

( )5、John won the game.

Writing Part 笔试部分(共十大题,计60分)


( )1、A、am B、is C、are D、saw

( )2、A、work B、went C、took D、ate

( )3、A、today B、tomorrow C、yesterday D、holiday

( )4、A、Friday B、Sunday C、year D、Monday

( )5、A、tall B、thin C、strong D、nose


1、去旅行 6、go hiking ______________

2、发 烧 7、go to a park ______________

3、看医生 8、clean the room ______________

4、放风筝 9、go fishing ______________

5、听音乐 10、climb a mountain ______________


( )1、I want teacher.

A、to a B、to be a C、a

( )2、Chen Jie .

A、like dancing B、like to dance C、likes dancing

( )3、what’s the matter you, Lily?

A、in B、on C、with

( )4、¬¬— did you do last weekend?

— I played football.

A、How B、what C、where

( )5、Did you your clothes on the weekend?

A、wash B、washed C、washes

( )6、My throat sore. My nose .

A、are, is hurt B、are, hurt C、is, hurts

( )7、We got back Tianmen bus.

A、at, take B、on, by C、to, by

( )8、I helped my mother their room yesterday.

A、cleaned B、clean C、cleans

( )9、We played ping-pong Thursday.

A、in B、on C、at

( )10、I’ll back home tomorrow.

A、be B、is C、are


( )1、What do you do? A、He went to a park.

( )2、How did you get there? B、I an a policeman.

( )3、What did you do last night? C、By train.

( )4、What can you do? D、I can empty the trash.

( )5、where did he go? E、I did my homework.


1、where, on, you, go, your, holiday, did


2、did, how, go, the, park, to, you


3、than, taller, me, you’re


4、played, with, he, his, football, friends


5、last, do, weekend, you, did, what



1、— did you do last weekend?

— I watched TV.

2、— did your mother go to work yesterday?

— By bike.

3、— I went to your house.You were out. did you go?

— I visited my grandparents.

4、— did you go to sleep?

— At 10:30

5、— wasn’t she at school?

— she was ill.


( )No, I didn’t.

( )I played basketball. How about you?

( )what did you do yesterday?

( )I watched TV.

( )Did you climb a mountain?


1、Did you go to the park? (作否定回答)


2、Mike went to Harbin yesterday. (对画线部分提问)

_______ did Mike ______ yesterday?

3、I went to school by train.(对画线部分提问)

______ did you _______ to school?

4、He went fishing last weekend.(变为一般疑问句)

______ he _______ fishing last weekend?

5、He cleaned his room last Sunday. (对画线部分提问)

_______ did he ______ last Sunday?


Mike and Tom are in the same school. They are in the same grade, too. Mike has English class in the morning, but Tom has English class in the afternoon. After school, they play games together. They often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride bikes. They can swim, skate, dance and sing, too. They are good friends. They love their school.

( )1、Mike and Tom are in the same school.

( )2、They have English classes in the morning.

( )3、They are in the same class.

( )4、They often play games after school.

( )5、They are good friends.



提示词:fly a kite; row a boat; take photos; play football







标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语暑假作业
