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阅读理解强化---Childrens dreams

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语阅读   阅读:9296

英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已经融入到了整个社会中,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分,特此www.xiaozhibei.com为大家整理了阅读理解强化---Children's dreams,敬请同学们关注!!

I am 15. Now I’m studying English in London. I want to invent a language machine that can  help me understand as many languages as possible.

Marie, France

I am 13. I dream of going to a top university after I graduate. I want to be a reporter in the future.

Michiko, Japan

I am a 12-year-old girl. I like traveling very much. How I wish to visit Egypt some day!

Masha, Russia

I am a 16-year-old girl in Tibet (西藏). The Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been built. I’ll be able to reach Beijing by train in about 48 hours. My dream is to go to Beijing to watch the 2008 Olympic Games.

Joma, China

I am 14 years old. I dream of inventing a machine that can send things or people from one place to another in a minute.

Andrew, the USA

由www.xiaozhibei.com为您提供的阅读理解强化---Children's dreams,希望给您的英语带来帮助!


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