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高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估阅读理解一

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语同步练习   阅读:9305

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高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估阅读理解一



Three years ago, when I was at university, I also worked at a restaurant. Mr. Filio, one of the regular customers at the restaurant, was a retired colonel (上校) of the Philippine Army and had been a professor of the University of the Philippines for more than 20 years. He is one of the most intellectual people I know. Every Sunday the Philippine Star Newspaper had a special page of word puzzles and Mr. Filio held the record for completing them in less than five minutes.

But one Sunday, I completed them before anyone else. He congratulated me with a smile, “No one has ever beaten me before. You’re the first and this is the last and for that I’ll have a prize for you tomorrow.”

The next day, he gave me an expensive Scrabble set and encouraged me to learn the game and love words. And the results of our later competitions were true to his words.

That happened three years ago and I didn’t see him again until yesterday when I went to a restaurant to drink coffee.

He was still as sharp and smart as he was before. If it weren’t for his physical deterioration (恶化), no one would have ever guessed that he had survived lung cancer, two major heart attacks and was now battling a kidney (肾) disease.

We exchanged updates about our lives. When I told him I got married and that I had decided not to pursue law school anymore, I felt embarrassed, because I knew that he believed in me and in a way, I was letting him down.

Somehow, he seemed to sense my awkwardness and what he said to me is something I will never forget.

“Kate, what do you think is human’s final goal in life? You are happy and that should be considered a success. Many people spend a lifetime searching for that. Be thankful that you have found it.”

36. From the passage, we know that Mr. Filio _____.

A. joined the army 20 years ago

B. suffered from several diseases

C. graduated from the University of the Philippines

D. often came to the restaurant to help the author

37. It can be inferred from the passage that the author thinks Mr. Filio is _____.

A. wise and easygoing

B. very rich

C. clever but mean

D. very old

38. What were the results of the later word puzzle competitions?

A. The author was no longer able to beat Mr. Filio.

B. Mr. Filio gradually lost interest in word puzzles.

C. Some other people also beat Mr. Filio.

D. The author became the quickest and won all the prizes.

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