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高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估单选题

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高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估单选题

英语知识运用 (共两节)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题)


1. —I’m so anxious about my driving test tomorrow. Would you please give me some advice?

—_____. I’m sure you are good enough to pass it. Be confident of yourself.

A. Absolutely B. Take it easy

C. You are right D. Not really

2. The police soon arrived at the _____ of the crime, taking photos and hunting for evidence.

A. sight B. view C. scene D. sense

3. After a while, the man suddenly stopped and looked as if _____ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. having seen

C. to have seen D. to see

4. A small number of people are _____ to nuts, only having a few of them may make them feel sick.

A. allergic B. addicted C. attractive D. suited

5. —John began looking for a job in January and found it, but his classmates haven’t begun to do it.


A. Practice makes perfect

B. Actions speak louder than words

C. The early bird catches the worm

D. He laughs best who laughs last

6. _____ his roommates up, Mr. Smith, who worked in his office until midnight, walked into the room quietly.

A. Not in order to wake B. In order to not wake

C. So as not to wake D. As so not to wake

7. It is generally thought that we shouldn’t _____ the dictionary every time we meet with a new word while reading.

A. look through B. look up C. turn for D. turn up

8. It is a dangerous practice to sit on the motorbike _____, though it is convenient for ladies.

A. sideways B. backwards C. upwards D. alongside

9. The young mother feared she wouldn’t be able to _____ the two babies.

A. go with B. cope with

C. come up with D. keep up with

10. —Mary, don’t you believe your sister?

—Yes. I believe _____ she says.

A. however B. no matter how

C. whatever D. no matter what

11. The chairman made a wonderful speech, _____ it by wishing all the people present the very best of luck.

A. concluded B. concluding C. included D. including

12. Many ladies enjoy buying clothes _____, but actually they can’t consume so many.

A. in short B. in bulk C. in total D. in need

13. He has been in low spirits since his uncle _____ last month. Shall we do something to cheer him up?

A. passed off B. passed down

C. passed over D. passed away

14. That so-called football fan doesn’t even know the main difference between the two football teams, _____ surprises all of the people at present.

A. which B. what C. that D. where

15. —That boy enjoys drawing very much.

—_____, I have never seen anyone else that is as enthusiastic about drawing as he is.

A. As long as I have traveled

B. Traveled so much as I have

C. As I have traveled so much

D. Much as I have traveled

以上就是“高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估单选题”的所有内容,希望对大家有所帮助!



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