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高三英语教案:Sporting events教案

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语教案   阅读:9405

【摘要】教案是整个课程的大纲,使得学生更有逻辑的调理的理解其讲课内容。www.xiaozhibei.com高三英语教案栏目小编也特意为您编辑了此文:“高三英语教案:Sporting events教案”祝您浏览愉快。

本文题目:高三英语教案:Sporting events教案


1. About 100 persons will c__________ for this position in the government office.

2. Do you think a candle can l__________ the small room up for reading?

3. Every one present was asked to s_______ their own views over this matter.

4. It is common p_________ to shake hands with others here.

5. The UN calls on people all over the world to keep the b__________ of nature.

6. The pill will e_____________ you a good sleep.

7. Tom, shall they come in together or s_______________?

8. Scientists have made great c________________ to the development of society.

9. He was born a good a____________; he plays on the national team now.

10. We should m_____________ friendly relations with neighboring countries.


Mr Johnson gave a speech about the history and (1) s_____________of the Olympic Games. Athletes at the (2) a____________ games could only be men, but today, men and women from around the world can (3) c___________. The modern games were (4) d___________ to make it possible for countries and people to live (5) p__________ together. He stated that Olympians had brought joy to people across the world with their (6) a___________ to push the (7) l_________ of human achievement. Besides Jordan, he also (8) m__________ Deng Yaping, who won many gold (9) m___________ as an Olympian before retiring. He wished the Olympics a successful future to match its (10) g_________ past.

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标签: events   高三英语教案
