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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语教案   阅读:9760



1、favour n.


(1)Thanks for looking after all my things— I will return the favour sometime.

(2)The idea may find favour with older people.


A. 支持;赞许 B. 恩惠;善意的行为

(1)B (2)A

ask a favour of sb. 求某人帮一个忙,求某人做某事

do sb. a favour / do sth. as a favour 帮某人一个忙,给某人做件事

be in / out of favour (with)受宠/失宠;得到/不受偏爱

find / gain / win favour 受到赞许/得到赞同

lose favour 不再受支持,失去支持

owe sb. a favour 欠某人一个人情

in favour of赞成;主张 in one's favour对某人有利

favourable adj. 有利的 unfavourable adj. 不利的


(1)May I ask a favour of (求……帮个忙)you?

(2)Was he in favour of (赞成)the death penalty?

(3)Do me a favour (劳驾)and turn the radio down while I'm on the phone,will you?

2、affair n.


(1)They were accused of interfering in China's internal affairs.

(2)I am not prepared to discuss my financial affairs with the press.

(3)He had an affair with his boss that lasted six years.

(4)What I do in my time is my affair and nobody else's.

根据语义找匹配:A. (公共或政治的)事务  B. 暧昧关系 C. (个人的)事务

(1)A (2)C  (3)B (4)C

current affairs时事 state affairs国事

family affairs家事 foreign affairs外交事务

public affairs公共事务 private affairs私事

affair / accident / incident / event / matter / business





matter指“事情;问题”, 常常需要考虑和处理的事情。



(1)He was badly hurt in a traffic accident.

(2)A strange incident happened in the ceremony.

(3)One of the chief event of 2010 was that the 16th Asian Games was held in Guangzhou, China.

(4)What's the matter with the machine?

(5)He is away on business.

(6)It's none of your business / affairs.

3、declare v.


(1)A state of emergency has been declared.


(2)When they asked him for his opinion, he declared strongly against the policy.

(3)All tips are counted as part of your earnings and must be declared.

根据语义找匹配:A. 申报(收入、财产) B. 声称;宣称 C. 宣布;声明

(1)C (2)B (3)A

3、declare v.

declare sb. / sth. to be宣布某人或某事是

declare for / against声明赞成 / 反对……

declare war (on / against)(向……)宣战

declare oneself发表意见;表明态度 declare off取消

declaration n. 宣布;声明;宣言

declare / announce


The government declared war on the drug dealers.


A government spokesman announced that the hostages had been released.


(1)Severe flooding prompted the governor to declare a state of emergency (宣布进入紧急状态)Tuesday.

(2)Hillary Clinton publicly declared herself as a candidate for president (宣布自己是总统候选人).

(3)She declared herself extremely hurt (声称自己非常伤心)by her lack of support.

4、envy vt. & n.


(1)What a sweet victory to be envied by those women!

(2)We are in the midst of an economic recovery that is the envy of the world.


A. v. 羡慕;妒忌 B. n. 羡慕(或妒忌)的对象

(1)A (2)B

feel envy at…对……忌妒 out of envy出于忌妒

envy sb. sth. 忌妒或羡慕某人……

become the envy of…成为……忌妒(或羡慕)的目标

envious adj. 羡慕的,忌妒的

近义词:jealous adj. 忌妒的


(  )(1)The Smiths bought a new house, which was the __________ of the neighbours.

A. envy B. admire C. respect D. pride

(  )(2)Words spoken __________ should not be taken __________ seriously.

A. in envy; fairly B. for envy; farther

C. with envy; too D. of envy; quite

5、set aside


(1)Try to set_aside at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.

(2)Congress ought to set_aside its political differences to pass a health care bill.

根据语义找匹配:A. 为……节省 / 保留时间或金钱 B. 将……搁置一边

(1)A (2)B

5、set aside

set down 记下;放下 set back 把(钟、表指针)往回拨

set about 动身,开始 set fire to 纵火;放火

set an example to 为……树立榜样 set a goal 确立目标

set a time for 为……定时间


(1)Do you know how to set about going on this work?

(2)He set aside his book and lit a cigarette.

(3)Why don't you set down your idea on the paper?

(4)Do be careful with these fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.

(5)The police set up roadblocks on routes leading out of the city.

(  ) 1. (2010•陕西)John opened the door. There ______ he had never seen before.

A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood

C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl

D 考查特殊句式(倒装句中的完全倒装)。here, there, now, then, in, out, away, off等副词位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装。

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