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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语口语   阅读:9997



1. I believe you must be here.

2. What are you drinking?

3. Do you want some?

4. There's some over there.

5. I'm very happy to hear that.

场景一 聚会

Peter: I believe you must be here.

Lisa: Ah, Peter. How are you?

Peter: Fine, thank you. And you?

Lisa: I'm fine, too.

Peter: What are you drinking?

Lisa: Wine. Do you want some?

Peter: No, I think I'd prefer Chinese tea.

Lisa: Yes, there is some over there.

There be句型的肯定结构表示“某处存在某物或某人”或“某时发生某事”。

场景二 聚会

Lisa: Father and mother, today is my birthday.

Father: Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.

Mother: Happy birthday, Lisa.

John: Happy birthday, Lisa. This is the gift for you.

Lisa: Oh, thank you. I feel very excited! What's that?

Mother: Open it up.

Lisa: OK, Let's see...Wow, it's a box of chocolates. Thanks a lot, John.

John: Do you like it?

Lisa: Yeah. I like it very much.

John: I'm very happy to hear that.






标签: 暂无联系方式 小学英语口语
