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小学高分作文:I lost my sneakers

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语作文   阅读:9221

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I lost my favourite sneakers.

They are black and yellow and look like small tigers.

Those sneakers are one of my gifts from my eighth birthday.

I will try my best to find them.


I lost a pair of sneakers and they are my favourite ones.They are black and yellow and look like small tigers.I feel so bad right now because I can't find them.

Those sneakers are one of my gifts from my eighth birthday.I can still remember my mother put them in a big red shape star box with red shorts,a white T-shirt and brown gloves.She wrap the box with a long golden strap.I was so excited about getting the present and I even forgot to blow the birthday candles.

I will try my best to find them.I can't put on the sneakers because they are too small for my big feet now.But I still like them very much.I'll take care of them carefully and never lase them again.

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