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满分英语作文赏析:A girl growing up autobiography

[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语作文   阅读:9405

英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已经融入到了整个社会中,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分,特此www.xiaozhibei.com为大家整理了满分英语作文赏析:A girl growing up autobiography,敬请同学们关注!!

Shekou Middle School  Class 8 Grade 8  Yanhuan Chen

During winter vacation, I read a book called . It’s really a wonderful book. It tells the story of a Chinese-American girl's college life. It makes me feel a deep, let it out I'd like to share with everyone.

The girl named Katharine Wang, born in Harbin, China. She is the author of this book. She lived in America with her parents since she was 3-year-old. Now studing at the renowned American University - Stanford University. This book is Katharine writes to her parents and teachers, as well as all her friends, such as her best friend——Lily.

In this book, Katharine told us in the new University of the learning environment, she is how to grow up and respond to growing pains. She also told us that she had the "devil" running experience, and started to learn swimming because she thought she is too short. She told us that these sports have given her inspiration in life. Through these descriptions, we see a very straightforward sunshine girl. We moved in her music-loving and understanding, simple and sincere love, writing experience and the nostalgia of her grandmother. makes we can share Katharine‘s life experiences together.

The following are excerpts of Katharine I readme.

I'm really an open-book. You can read me pretty easily——how I feel, what I want, who I am. My words are on my lips and my thoughts are written in the palms of my hands. From the few years between the private, all-girl high school life and the limitlessness of college life at Stanford University, I have tried to search for my little nook in life, in my writing. Like you, I'm constantly searching, curious about two-way streets, and hoping tu look at things in this world with another angle.

——Katharine Wang

From these readme, we can clearly know that Katharine, this outward-looking and straightforward girl's ideas for life. I believe that if possible, Katharine and we will become good friends —— because we all have the same feelings!

What a pretty girl Katharine is!

How wonderful the book is!

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