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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  剑桥通用英语五级   阅读:9943


Cambridge ESOL Article Contribution to China Daily

Get ready for KET Reading & Writing

If you are taking KET in June, you still have time to prepare. Here are some tips to help you get ready for KET Reading & Writing.

To practice your reading skills, try to read as much English as you can. This should be the type of English we use in everyday life, such as short newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements, tourist brochures, instructions and recipes. You will find texts like this in the exam. Read the text to understand the main message and try to guess any words you do not know.

To practice your writing skills, write short messages to your friends and your teacher. You could, for example, write invitations, plans for a meeting or say why you missed a class. This will help you to communicate messages successfully and will help you to work on mistakes with grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.

Paper overview

One of the best ways to prepare for KET Reading & Writing is to find out more about the paper. How many questions are there? What is being tested? How is it being tested? How are the questions marked? If you know what you expect, you are more likely to do well.

The Reading & Writing paper takes 1 hour 10 minutes and is in nine parts. For each part you will be given an example to show you what you need to do. There are 56 questions in total.

You will complete a number of different tasks, including matching, choosing the correct answer, spelling and guided writing. You will show your answer either by marking boxes (parts 1-5) or by writing your answer (parts 6-9) on an answer sheet.

[Insert example candidate answer sheet, both sides]

The material used in the paper is taken from real world notices, newspaper and magazine articles, and simple encyclopaedia entries. There may be words in the exam that you do not know. Don’t worry; this should not stop you from understanding and doing the tasks.






标签: 暂无联系方式 剑桥通用英语五级
