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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  通用英语星级考   阅读:9582

4. Please put down this red pen on the table. 请把这支红笔放在桌上.

5. Now put the piece of paper into the book. 现在把纸条放进书本内.

6. Take an eraser out of the pencil-box. 把橡皮从铅笔盒里拿出来.

7. Please turn to page 17. 请把书翻到17页.

8. Now give out these cards. 分发这些卡片.

9. Use this blue pen to draw a circle at the top of the paper. 用这支蓝笔在纸的上方画个圈.

10. Now color the picture with your pen. 现在用这支笔把这个图片涂色.

11. Please erase all the pictures on the whiteboard. 请把白板上的图片全部擦掉.

12. Please wipe out the triangle in the bottom left-hand corner of the whiteboard.


13. Now link these two shapes together with two lines. 用两条线把这两个图形连接起


1.When did you start your school?

When I was 7 years old.

2.When do you usually go to your school in the morning?

At 7 o’clock.

3.What kind of sport do you like best ?

I like running best.

4. What are you going to do tomorrow morning?

I’m going to school tomorrow morning.

5.What would you say if you didn’t finish your homework ?

I’m sorry.

6.How long have you been studying English?

Three years.

7.How often do you go to the theater?

Once a month.

8.Where did you go yesterday?

I went to my grandma’s house.

9.What are you going to do tomorrow morning?

I am going to study English.

10.What were you doing this time yesterday?

I were studying English.

11.What is the day before yesterday?

12.What is the day after tomorrow?

13.What would you do if you have a lot of time?

I would play the piano.

14.What is your favourite subject?


15.What kind of food do you like best?

I like fruit best.

16.Which book have you read recently?

Harry Potter.

17.What do you want to do in this summer holiday?

I want to swim.

18.Which do you prefer, studying or watching TV?

Studying./ Watching TV.

19.What kind of housework do you like to do?

Mopping the floor.

20.What would you do if it’s raining outside?

I would stay at home.

21.How much pocket money do you have once a month?

10 yuan.

22.How do you usually spend spring festival?

Visit my grandparents.

23.How much do you get if you times 2 to 3?


24.How often do you go swimming in summer?

Once a week.

25.You sing a song better than your classmate, don’t you?

Yes, I do.

26.Which country is bigger, Canada or China?

China is.

27.Which city is going to hold the Olympic Games in 2008?


28.Which city did hold the Olympic Games in 2004?


29.Which do you prefer, have a class or go to a travel?

Go to a travel. / have a class.

30.Who is your best friend?

Mary is.

31.Where were you born?

I was born in Shanghai.

32.Do you want to travel around the world?

Yes, I do.

33.Do you like to learn English?

Yes, I do.

34.Would you go to the theater with me tonight?

Yes, I would.

35.Would you mind if I close the door?

No, I wouldn’t.

36.Name three movies you liked?

Harry Potter. / The Lion King. / The White Beauty.

37.When is the summer holiday?

From July to August.

38.When is your birthday?

39.When do you usually go to bed?

At 9 o’clock.

40.When do you usually do your homework?

From 7 o’clock to 8 o’ clock.

41.When did you go to your grandparents’ home last time?

42.Would you mind if I turn down the radio?

No, I wouldn’t.

43. Do you like to eat vegetable?

Yes, I do.

44. Count the books in front of you.

45.Count the numbers from 1 to 10.

46.Why do you learn English?

Because I like English.

47. Why were you late last time?

Because of the traffic jam.

48.Why do you like your English teacher?

Because she is kind.

49.Why do you like spending holiday?

Because I can go traveling.

50.Why didn’t you come last time?

51.When did you go to the park last time?

It’s the day before yesterday.

52.Trains run faster than cars, don’t they?

Yes, they do.

53.Do you like raining?

Yes, I do.








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