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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学小学英语教学小学英语学习通用英语星级考通用少儿英语三星级口试测试卷


[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  通用英语星级考   阅读:9938


三、听说相反1,The young man works very hard. 2,That s a really poor country. 3,How can I turn on the camera? 4,He is unhealthy because he is too fat. 5,The quilt he s using is very thin. 四、快听快

三、听说相反1,The young man works very hard.

2,That's a really poor country.

3,How can I turn on the camera?

4,He is unhealthy because he is too fat.

5,The quilt he's using is very thin.


1,Is it cold outside today?

2,What will you do for your winter vacation?

3,How smart the boy is?

4,Name two famous mountains in China.

5,Can flower live with the sun?

6,Where is the Great Wall?

7,What do you usually eat for your breakfast?


Are you ready?Now let's begin.

Take out a red pen from the box.

Draw a big triangle on the top of the paper.

Then draw a circle on the bottom of the paper.

Connect the triangle and the oblong with a line.

Now write your name in the triangle and your age in

the oblong.

Give the paper to the teacher and put the pen back

into the box.

Thank you.That's the end of the activity.


1,How many people are there in the picture?

2,What is the man in the truck doing?

3,How is the weather?

4,Who are the man and the boy on the road?

5,Is the boy carrying a schoolbag?








标签: 暂无联系方式 通用英语星级考
