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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  通用英语星级考   阅读:9667


快听快答 问候语,个人信息,日常对话,基本常识 When, where, how long, who, want, how often, which, how, what kind of , why, how much Do you, Can you, have you got, Does your Dad, Can your mother, Are



When, where, how long, who, want, how often, which, how, what kind of , why, how much

Do you, Can you, have you got, Does your Dad, Can your mother, Are you, Are you, Is your father.


Who's the president of China? Which country is the largest one in the world? Can you play basketball better than Yao Ming? When is our National Day? Do Chinese people use chopsticks?


1. Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you!

2. How do you do! / How are you doing?/How's it going?/How are you?

3. Can I have your name/May I have your name?

4. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! Bye!/Bye-bye!/Goodbye!/See you next time/tomorrow.

5. Hello. This is May speaking. May I speak to Lily, please?


What do you say when your friend introduces you his friend? Answer: "Nice to meet you."

What would you say if you want to help others? Answer: "May/Can I help you?"

What would you say if you pick up a phone? Answer: "Hello, this is … speaking."

What would you say when you ask somebody's name? Answer: "May I have your name?"



1. How many subjects do you have at school? What are they?

2. What's your address/telephone number?

3. What's your favorite color/subject/sport/…?

4. When do you start school/finish school every day?

5. How long have you lived in Shanghai?

6. Do you have a pet? What is it?

7. Do you have any lessons at weekend/on Saturday/on Sunday?

8. What would you like to be when you grow up?

9. What do you call your brother's son or daughter?

10. What do you call your mother's sister/brother?

11. What do you usually do at weekends?

12. What do you do when you are sad/happy?

13. What did you do during the National Holiday?

14. What do you want to do during the Spring Festival?

15. Spoon and chopsticks, which do you prefer to use when you eat?

16. How tall are you? What's your height?/ How much do you weigh?/What's your weight?

17. Where does your father buy apples?

18. Where do you always go to have lunch?

19. How much money do you spend every day?/every month?

20. Would you like to be a fireman?

21. How can I get to the nearest post office?

22. Which do you prefer, the city life or the country life?

23. Do you mind if I smoke here/open the window?

24. Are you free on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock?

25. What drinks shall we have for dinner?

26. What kind of cake do you like to have at the birthday party?

27. What do you usually do with your mother/father/cousin/uncle/aunt/grandfather/grandmother?

28. Have you got an uncle?

29. Who play basketball the best in your class?

30. Where can I buy some frozen food?

31. Who's your favorite football/basketball player/singer/actor/actress?

32. What do you need to make a pizza?

33. Which supermarket do you usually go for shopping?

34. When is Dragon Boat Festival/Chinese New Year/Spring Festival/Mid autumn Festival/New Year Day/National Day/Children's Day/Teacher's Day /International Labor Day/Chrismas

35. Why should we do exercises everyday?

36. How much sugar do we need everyday?

37. What is your pencil-case/book/pencil/schoolbag made of ?

38. What kind of book do you like best?

39. How often do you go to see concert?

40. Do you think if's necessary to see a dentist every half a year?

41. What do you do if you got a headache/stomachache/toothache?

42. How long will you spend to read a novel?

43. How often do you go out for a trip?

44. Do you like a watch cartoons? Why or why not?

45. Shall we have some drinks after dinner? Shall we buy some birthday gift for Linda?

46. How beautiful your blouse is!/ How nice your bag is!



1. Where do we often/usually save money?

2. Do you often/always see black roses?

3. Do you often see a dolphin dance in the land?

4. Do you always see a dog with five legs?

5. How many legs does a spider have?/ How many legs does an insect have?

6. How many days are there in February?

7. What season is it now?/ Which season comes after spring/summer/autumn/winter?

8. What country is near the United States of America?

9. Is Australia near China?

10. Can man live without air/water/salt/sugar/sun?

11. In which season do we see many yellow leaves on the ground?

12. In which season is swimming the most popular?

13. In which season does the wind often blow?

14. What color is the kiwi fruit/leeches/watermelon/mango inside?

15. Where do we put the kettle to boil water?( Answer: On the stove.)

16. Where do we put the wok to do some cooking?(Answer: On the stove.)

17. Susan works in a hospital. She gives medicines to her patients. That's her job?

18. How much is 15 multiply by 6?

19. What do you get if you add 32 to 20?

20. Jane has got 20 yuan. Linda has got 30 yuan. How much money have they got together?

21. Name two English songs.

22. Name two Asian/Europe country names.

23. Name two famous/well-known musicians/singers/movie stars/painters/directors.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 通用英语星级考
