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七年级下册英语MODULE 7 My Past Life测试题(Unit 3)

[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9386

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七年级下册英语MODULE 7 My Past Life测试题(Unit 3)


一、 根据句意及首字母写单词

1. I p________ baseball yesterday.

2. Shanghai is a city with a l________ population.

3. We were looking f________ to visiting the Great Wall.

4. Tony is my good f________.

5.Obama is the p________of America

二、 用动词be的正确形式填空

1. I ________ a teacher now. I ________ a student seven years ago.

2. ________ your father good at swimming when he was 16?

3. Where ________ you last week?

4. I ________ in Shanghai with my friend over the weekend.

5. She wants to ________ a nurse one day.

6. There ________ some milk in the bottle just now.

7. —________ they at school on Monday?

—No, they________

8. —________ you happy at your first school?

—Yes, I________

9. —________ there some big trees in your village ten years ago?

—No, there________ xKb 1.Co m


三、 单项选择

1. His friends didn't ________ a nice weekend.

A. has B. had

C. have

2. —Who ________ the floor just now?

—My mother ________.

A. swept;swept B. swept;did

C. did;did

3. Sandy ________ at home and read ________ interesting book.

A. stay;an B. stayed;an

C. stays;a

4. —Did you ________ a film last night?

—Yes, I ________

A. saw;did B. see;did

C. see;do

5. ________ to me carefully!

A. Listen B. Hear

C. Look

四、 改错

1. The doctor isA bornB in C 1944 in a smallD village.


2. Betty isA aB university studentC nextD year.


3. The teacher isA kindB andC friendD to students.


4. ThoseA boys wasB naughty,butC now they areD well-behaved.

_________________________________                      举一反三,一显身手。

五、 阅读理解

My name is Mike. I was born in Australia. I'm 12 years old now. Last winter my family moved to Beijing. Beijing is one of the biggest cities in North China.

I often heard of snow in my hometown,but I never saw it. Yesterday morning when I went out of my house,I saw the land all white with snow. Our garden looked very beautiful. How white the snow was!It was Sunday yesterday,so I didn't go to school after breakfast. Some of my friends came round and we made a big snowman. It had a red big nose and two black eyes. Someone put an old hat on its head. I took a photo of our snowman. I was going to send it to my friends in Australia later on.

How happy everyone was!Winter is my favourite season,I think.

1. Was Mike an Australian boy or an American boy?


2. Who did Mike come to China with?

_________________________________3. Did Mike hear of snow before he came to Beijing?

_________________________________4. What did Mike make with his friends?

_________________________________5. Why didn't Mike go to school yesterday?


六、 完形填空

Mr Jenkins was born in a small village. His father was too poor to send him to school. He had __1__ in the fields with his parents though he was young and weak. But they __2__ get enough food and they were often hungry. Sometimes he was ill,he could only be in bed,nobody gave him any __3__.

A few years later he left his family,without telling anybody. He came to the city and began to beg from door to door. Later on he saw a little girl __4__ at a corner of a building. She lost her way and could't find her mother. The young man helped her to find her home. Her father,a rich shopkeeper,asked him to work in his shop. He learned everything __5__ and did __6__ than his workmates. The shopkeeper liked him and helped him to open his own shop. And nearly 20 years __7__,Mr Jenkins was one of the richest men in the city. The old man lived a happy life,he was interested in neither food nor clothes. But bad luck! He was ill and the best doctors couldn't __8__ him. Of course he was afraid of __9__. He asked, “I don't know whether the dead live happily there.” His friend tried to comfort him and answered, “Yes.”“Why?”“__10__ of them would leave there.”.

1. A. work B. to work

C. working D. works

2. A. can B. can't

C. couldn't D. could

3. A. books B. water

C. fruit D. medicine

4. A. to cry B. smiling

C. crying D. playing

5. A. carefully B. careful

C. carelessly D. careless

6. A. good B. well

C. best D. better

7. A. left B. past

C. passed D. better

8. A. save B. use

C. kill D. tell

9. A. sleeping B. to die

C. death D. die

10. A. All B. None

C. One D. Every one


七、 单项选择

1. (2010•重庆•24)Last Sunday my aunt ______ at home with me. We were watching TV all day.

A. was B. were

C. is D. are

2. (2010•吉林•46)—Which subject do you like ________,art or science?

—Science. I want to be a scientist.

A. good B. better

C. best D. the best

3. (2010•广东•36)Paul's uncle is the man ________ taught us math last year.

A. where B. which

C. who D. when

4. (2010•武汉•35)—Why are you still waiting in line?

—I've missed my ________.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
