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七年级下册英语MODULE 7 My Past Life测试题(Unit 3)

[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9386

A. place B. order

C. turn D. time

5. (2010•陕西•27)Be careful,________ you'll miss the right answer.

A. and B. or

C. but D. so

八、 (2010•南宁)情景交际


Susan: The summer holidays are coming. __1__

Frank: I'm going to visit Beihai.

Susan: Fantastic! __2__

Frank: Sure. I think swimming in the sea is wonderful. __3__

Susan: I'm going to Disneyland in Hong Kong.

Frank: Wow! That sounds like fun! __4__

Susan: Seven days.

Frank: __5__

Susan: My parents.

Frank: Wish you a good time!

Susan: You,too.

A. How about you, Susan?

B. What are you going to do?

C. Who are you going with?

D. I went there two years ago.

E. Are you going to swim in the sea?

F. How long are you going to stay there?

G. Who are they?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
