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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9282




1. That _______ (sound ) good.

2. ______ you _____ (have) a tennis racket?

3. We have many sports _________(club).

4. Let's_________(play) ping-pong.

5.I _________(not have) a soccer ball.


1.  ___________ you have a pen?

A. do      B. does           C. Do                D. Does

2.Let's play ping-pong. —_____

A. it's good.  B. That interesting  C. That sounds good    D. it's fun

3. Do you play ________ volleyball?

A .a         B. the            C. an                D./

4. _____ Tom ________ a computer?

A. Do, has    B. Does, have      C. Do have           D. Does, has

5. My brother_______ __ have a hat.

A. am not     B. dont           C. don't              D. doesn't


1.Do you have a tennis r__________.

2.In our school, we have many s_______ clubs.

3.That s_______ good.

4. Let's play s_________.

5. Miss Li has a c__________ game.


1.我没有一个网球拍.    I ______  ______ a _______ racket.

2. 让我们去踢足球吧.    _____________________________

3. 那听起来很好.   That _________ good.

4. 我们有很多运动俱乐部.   We _______ many _______ clubs.



1. They play football e__________ day.

2. D________ she like sports?

3. That s__________ interesting.

4. We have many c________: volleyball, basketball, ping-pong and more.


1.—Do Lucy and Lily have a baseball?  —Yes,____________.

A. she does      B. she has       C. they do     D. they have

2.—Let's play basketball.   —No,_____________.

A. it's boring     B. it's interesting     C. it's good     D. it's fun

3. Do you play _______?

A. basketballs    B. a basketball      C. basketball    D. the basketball

4. Let's _____________.

A. play ping-pong                B. to play ping-pong

C. playing ping-pong             D.  play the ping-pong

5. I _________ have a watch..

A .am not       B. dont       C. don't        D. doesn't

6.That soun ds ___________.

A. well      B. badly     C. good      D. fine

(三)用所给动词的正确形式 填空.

1. Let's ___________ (play) soccer.

2. That ___________ (sound) boring.

3. He ____________ (have) a book.


1.—咱们去打篮球吧.  —那听起来很好。



2.—你爸爸有电脑吗?  —不,没有.


—______, _________。



(1) Here is a t________ racket.

.(2) We have many c _______: volleyball, basketball, ping--pong .

(3) Let's p_______ soccer

.(4)—Let's watch TV.

—That ________(sound) good.

(5)He _______(have) a tennis racket.

(6)—______she _______(have) a phone?   —No, she doesn't


(1)He has a volleyball.(改为否定句)_____________________________

(2)I have a baseball bat.(改为一般疑问句)_____________________________________

(3)Do you have tennis rackets?(将主语改为he)__________________






1._________you have a pen?

A. do       B. does    C. Do      D. Does

2.Do Lucy and Lily have a baseball?  —Yes,____

A. she does  B. she has  C. they do  D. they have

3. Do you play _______?

A. basketballs    B. a basketball     C. basketball    D. the basketball

4. Let's _______.

A. play ping-pong              B. to play ping-pong

C. playing ping-pong           D. play the ping-pong

5. Let_______ play sports.

A. we           B. us        C. is           D. has



(一)1. sounds 2. Do, have 3. clubs 4.play 5. don’t have


(三)1.racket 2. sports 3.sounds 4. soccer 5. computer

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语同步练习
