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七年级上册英语同步练习:Units 5-8选择题

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9726

学习是一个边学新知识边巩固的过程,对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品小编精心为大家整理了这篇七年级上册英语同步练习:Units 5-8选择题,供大家参考。

(     ) 1.He wants to spend ten more minutes           when his mother asks him to get up early every morning .

A. in the bed      B. in bed       C. at bed        D. at the bed

(     ) 2.In our class , everyone           playing computer games .

A. like           B. is like       C. likes         D. is liking

(     ) 3. Some students don’t know            .

A. what they can do it  B. what to do it  C. how to do  D. how to do it

(     ) 4. This pair of shoes is too big for me . Please show me a smaller          .

A. it             B. pair         C. one          D. shoes

(     ) 5. He needs          to finish his homework every night these days .

A.two more hours  B.two many hours C. more two hours D. many two hours

(     ) 6. My father with his friends          on Sundays .

A. will go fishing  B.goes fishing    C. go fishing     D. is going fishing

(     ) 7. Then Simon dresses up          white clothes .

A. with          B. from          C. at           D. in

(     ) 8. How          the picture is !

A. beautifully    B. well           C. nicely        D. beautiful

(     ) 9. I hope you           the coming Spring Festival .

A . to enjoy       B. enjoys         C. enjoy        D. enjoying

(     ) 10.What do you think          our fashion show ? Is it wonderful ?

A. at            B. for            C. of           D. in

(     ) 11.Trainers are comfortable             .

A..wear          B. wore          C. wearing      D. to wear

(     ) 12.I am very busy now . So I don’t have enough time         computer gams .

A. playing        B. plays          C. play        D. to play

(     ) 13.--- The shoes look very nice . Can I        them        ?

--- Of course you can .

A. put ; in         B. try ; on        C. leave       D. look ; for

(     ) 14. ---

--- I’d like two kilos of apples .

A. Can you help?                   B. What do you like?

C. How do you like ?                D. What can I do for you ?

(     ) 15. I don’t want to buy         same present         Simon did .

A. the ; as         B. the ; for       C. / ; as       D. / ; for

(     ) 16. Sandy often          the piano after supper , but she          TV now .

A. plays ; watches                 B. plays ; is watching

B. is playing ; watches             D. is playing ; is watching

(     ) 17. --- How often do you take exercise ?

---            .

A. Sometimes     B. Three hours  C. At three o’clock  D. In two hours

(     ) 18. That boy is not healthy . He needs to eat         fast food and exercise       .

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