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七年级上册英语同步练习:Units 5-8选择题

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9726

(     )36.I will go to work early tomorrow morning. Can you          your baby sister,Tom?

A.wear         B.put on      C.dress          D.have

(     )37.---Don’ t run in the street, boy?

---             .

A.I will        B.OK, I won’t  C.OK, I don’t     D.No, I will

(     )38.---         is your sister, the one in red or the one in white?

---The one in white.

A.What        B.Where       C.Which         D.Who

(     )39.I have something important         . Please be quiet and listen carefully.

A.to say        B.saying       C.says           D.say

(     )40.---How do you like Christmas?

---            .

A.Very well     B.Very much    C.Very good      D.Very fine

(     )41.How many         does your father visit his parents          month?

A.time; every    B.time; a       C.times; an       D.times; a

(     )42.There are three              on the table.

A.bottle of orange juice          B.bottles of orange juice

C. bottles of orange juices        D. bottle of orange juices

(     )43.All the         teachers enjoy themselves on 8 March every year.

A.women       B.men         C.woman        D.man

(     )44.Sam, come here. I need you          some housework for me.

A.to do         B.do          C.does           D.doing

(     )45.I want to buy a nice present       my father and give it        him on Father’s Day.

A.for; to        B.to; for       C.for; for         D.to; to

(     )46.These books         50 yuan.

A.cost Amy’s    B.cost Amy     C.costs Amy’s    D.costs Amy

(     )47.---Can I borrow         money from you?

---Sure. How          do you need?

A.some; many   B.some; much   C.a few; much    D.any; many

(     )48.When you think something is very nice or wonderful,you can say”It’s so        .”

A.cold         B.warm        C.hot            D.cool

(     )49.Wang Tao is         his English book, but he can’t        it.

A.finding; look for   B.looking for; look at  C.lookingfor; find  D.looking; at

(     )50.---Mum, can you give me        yuan for another book?

---Sure. Here you are.

A.twenty more    B. more twenty     C.twenty another     D.twenty other

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语同步练习
