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七年级上册英语同步练习:Units 5-8选择题

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9726

A. more ; less     B. less ; less     C. more ; more    D. less ; more

(     ) 19. Many children often have milk and bread          breakfast .

A. as            B. of           C. for            D. like

(     ) 20. There are two          and three         in my bag .

A. radioes ; tomatoes B. radios ; tomatos C. radios ; tomatoes D. radioes ; tomatos

(     ) 21. ---            does Lily dance every day ?

--- Two hours .

A. How long     B. How often       C. How much     D. How many

(     ) 22. Good luck         your English , Daniel .

A. to           B. with            C. for            D. in


(     ) 23. It’s very easy for me           when I dance after school .

A. get tired      B. tired            C. to get tired      D. getting tired

(     ) 24. Would you like to bring          friends to my party ?

A. some        B. a little           C. a              D. any

(     ) 25. How many sheep          on the hill ?

A. is there       B. are there         C. there is         D. there are

(     ) 26. There          a photo and some books on the desk .

A. is            B. are             C. am             D. /

(     ) 27. He plans            the work in 5 days .

A. to finish       B. finishing        C. finished         D. to finishing

(     ) 28. The old man usually tells the         some         .

A. boys ; stories   B. boys ; storys    C. boies ; stories      D. boies ; storys

(     ) 29. Exercise helps us         fit .

A. feels          B. stay           C. keeping           D. looks

(     ) 30. This book is useful to me . So I          20 yuan for it .

A. spend         B. cost           C. pay               D. take

(     ) 31. A boy         Tom comes to         me on 6589472 .

A. called ; call  B. calling ; call    C. is called ; calling    D. called ; be calling

(     ) 32. There is         “ m ’’ and         “ u ” in the word .

A. a ; an         B. an ; a           C. a ; the            D. the ; an

(     ) 33. ---Which festival comes first in the year?


A. Christmas    B.Halloween      C.Thanksgiving       D.Chinese New Year

(     ) 34. Millie wears a special costume          a mask and plays a trick

Wendy at the party .

A. with ; at      B. with ; on         C. for ; with ;         D. on ; with

(     )35.The guest will arrive here          the night         1May.

A.at; of         B.in; of       C.on; of         D.on; in

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语同步练习
