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初一英语同步练习Spring Festival测试题

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9750

为了帮助同学巩固学过的知识点,小编准备了初一英语同步练习Spring Festival测试题,希望大家能用心去做题!



16.What ______ Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyang watching?

A.am       B.is    C.be      D.are

17.They are singing and ______ under the tree.

A.dance    B.dancer   C.dancing     D.danceing

18.—______ she ______ an English class?

— No,she isn't.

A.Is;have    B.Is;having  C.Does;have    D.Does;has

19.Chinese people think “eight” is a ______ number.

A.sad     B.lu ck    C.unlucky     D.lucky

20.I know a man ______ Bill.

A.name     B.naming   C.named     D.names

21.It is very cold.______ your coat,please.

A.Put on     B.Putting on   C.Wear     D.Wearing

22.The students ______ their homework every day.But they ______basketball now.

A.do;play         B.doing;playing

C.are doing;are playing       D.do;are playing

23.The girl wants a few ______.

A.friend     B.lanterns   C.pudding     D.dumpling

24.Bill is ______ in the game called “Happy Farms(农场) ” on the Internet.

A.interest     B.interested   C.interests     D.interesting

25.On her birthday,Lingling gets a lot of presents ______ her parents and her friends.

A.for      B.from    C.to      D.about


26  New Year's Day,many people eat special food for good luck.In Spain and some Latin American countries,people  27  twelve grapes(葡萄) at midnight on New Year's Eve—one grape  28  good luck in  29  month of the new year.Chinese people eat  30 .Some have coins inside.Everyone  31  to find the coin for luck and money in the new year.Of course they don't eat the  32  .Japanese  33  eat noodles on New Year's Eve and their birthdays. 34  may bring them good luck and  35  life.

26.A.On     B.In    C.For     D.During

27.A.are eating    B.eats    C.eat      D.is eating

28.A.with     B.for    C.to      D.is

29.A.every    B.some    C.any     D.each

30.A.hamburgers   B.hot dog   C.pizza     D.dumplings

31.A.try     B.tries    C.is trying     D.trys

32.A.food     B.dumplings   C.coin     D.grapes

33.A.man     B.woman   C.children     D.people

34.A.It     B.What    C.That's     D.This

35.A.large     B.hurry    C.short     D.long



People in India call New Year “Diwali” or “the Festival of Light(光)”.

They often clean their houses before the day of Diwali.Most people clean their houses in the morning.They often decorate their houses with flowers.They also make sweet food look like(看起来像) flowers,people and animals.Then they visit their friends and give them presents and cards.

On New Year's Day,many people open the doors and windows and light(点亮) candles in front of the doors.They want to bring good luck to their families.After Diwali,people often clean their houses again.Some people like to make loud noises(噪音) at their houses.They think this can make bad spirits(精灵) go away.

36.People in India call New Year “Diwali” or “the Festival of ______”.

A.Food      B.Fruit    C.Light     D.Luck

37.Indian people often decorate their houses with ______.

A.trees     B.grass    C.flowers     D.cards

38.Indian people make ______ look like flowers,people and animals.

A.presents     B.sweet food  C.clothes     D.paper cuts

39.The underlined word “candles” means ______ in Chinese.

A.蜡烛     B.火把    C.灯      D.灯笼

40.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.People in India often light candles on New Year's Day.

B.People in India often clean their houses before and after Diwali.

C.On New Year's Day,Indian people often visit their friends.

D.Some Indian people make loud noises,because they want to make bad spirits go away.


Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday.It is on the fourth Thursday in November in the USA and on the second Monday in October in Canada.

For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from(除……之外)Christmas.Schools,offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving Day,and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.

Today people celebrate Thanksgiving Day to remember the early days.The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America.The meal includes(包括)turkey,sweets,potatoes and so on.

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