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初一英语同步练习:I want to be an actor练习题

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9444

学习是一个边学新知识边巩固的过程,对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品小编精心为大家整理了这篇初一英语同步练习:I want to be an actor练习题,供大家参考。


1. He likes___________( play) soccer very much.

2. I saw two __________(thief) in the mall.

3. The bike is ________(you). _______(I) is over there.

4. Rose wants to be an _________(act).

5.I want to work with__________(he).

6.Jeff doesn’t want to be a ________(wait), but his sister wants to be a ___________(wait).

7. The police _________(be) looking for the lost boy.

8.He wants________( be) a policeman when he grows up.

9.My mother is busy_______(clean) the house.

10. S__________ is the second season of the year.

11. She is a reporter, she works for a m___________.

12. My grandma often tells me s__________ about Lei Feng.

13. The news __________(be) very good.

14. His work is _______(excite) but kind of ______(danger).

15. She is ill and has to be in h___________.

16. He can make delicious food, he is a c__________.

17. Thieves are afraid of them, they are p___________.


boring, interesting, busy, difficult, dangerous,

1. It is _________ to play with fire.

2.This movie is very _________ , we all like seeing it.

3. I’m very __________ . I have a lot of work to do.

4. Math is very ___________ for me to learn, I can’t work out the problem.

5.The story is rather __________ , nobody likes to read it.

三. 单项选择(20分)

( )1.My sister is badly ill. She is ________hospital.

A. in the B. in C. in an D. at the

( )2.I want to work ________Jack, because he is a kind man.

A, with B, between C, in D, among

( )3.Nurses often ________ white uniform at work..

A. put on B. to wear C. wear D. to put on

( )4.There are lots of _______in the school.


A. man teachers B. men teacher C. women teacher D. women teachers

( )5.What’s your _____? I’m a doctor.

A. job B. work C. age D. name

( )6.Uncle Wang is busy _______ in the work place. .

A. work B. to work C. working D. works

( )7.Jim, you _______ on the phone.

A. have wanted B. are wanting C. want D. are wanted

( )8.My cousins finds a job ______ a bank clerk.

A. as B. be C. among D. about

( )9.There is much _______ in the purse.

A. books B. money C. pens D. ruler

( )10. He brings me _____.

A. a news B. a piece good news

C. a piece of good news D. a good news


1.What does your brother do?(同义句)

What ‘s your ________ _________?

2.His father works in a bank.(对画线提问)

_______ _______ your father work?

3.Mr Li is a policeman. (同义句)

Mr Li ________ _______ a policeman.

4.She want to be an actor. (对画线提问)

_________ _________ she want to be ?

5.He often goes to work late. ((同义句)

He is often _________ ________ work.


1.He ________ ________ money and people every day. (打交道)

2.It’s an_________ (有趣的)job, but ________ __________ (有点)dangerous.

3.Does she work ________ a __________(当记者)?

4.He ________ ________ be a movie star. (想当)

5._________ does Mary’s mother __________(干什么的)?

6.Could you _________ ________ ________ _________?(给我一些钱吗)

7.She likes _________ with people. (和人交谈)

8. We often ______ ______ ______ ______ .(外出吃饭)


A: Betty, what ___1____ your father do?

B: He is a policeman.

A: Do you _____2____ to be a policeman?

B: Oh, ____3___. Sometimes it’s a little dangerous, ____4___ it’s also an exciting job. Jenny, your father is a bank clerk, right?

A: Yes, he is.

B: Do you want to be a bank clerk, too?

A: ___5____, I don’t really. I want to a reporter.

七.书面表达, 阅读下面招聘广告,写一篇60字的应聘信。(15分)

Are you a musician? Do you like to sing or dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet or the guitar? Then maybe you can be in our pop band. Please talk to Mr Jay Zhou for some more information.

Dear Mr Jay Zhou,


Dear Mr Jay Zhou,

I can sing and dance very well. I can play the piano and the trumpet. I can also play the guitar well. I want to be in the pop band and I want to be a famous singer like you. I think I am the good person for the job. My name is Jim. My telephone number is 021- 3894-2569. Please write to me soon.



小编再次提醒大家,一定要多练习哦!希望这篇初一英语同步练习:I want to be an actor练习题能够帮助你巩固学过的相关知识。


初一英语同步练习trip to the zoo测试题 

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