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初一英语同步练习People and places测试题

[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9715

学好英语需要平时的练习。练习越多,掌握越熟练,www.xiaozhibei.com编辑了初一英语同步练习People and places测试题,欢迎参考!



16.—What ______ she doing?

—She is listening to music.

A.is      B.are    C.does     D.do

17.—What's Vitas doing?


A.He's here   B.He's sin ging  C.He's great   D.He sings

18.Thank you for ______ us.

A.helping     B.to help   C.help     D.helps

19.The Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔)is great.Many people ______ it every day.

A.are visiting    B.look    C.visit     D.looking

20.Wang Hui's birthday is coming.I ______ a postcard ______ her now.

A.send;to    B.send;for   C.am sending;to   D.am sending;for

21.I have got lots of pen friends.______ are from England.

A.Some of them   B.Some of they  C.Some     D.A and C

22.Can you ______ the girl over there?

A.look at     B.watch   C.look     D.see

23.At the moment,people are getting up and ______.

A.wash     B.washing   C.washes     D.to wash

24.A lot of people enjoy ______ to Zhu Zhiwen's songs.

A.listen    B.listening   C.to listen   D.listens


— Yes,he is.

A.What's he doing       B.Is he playing football now?

C.How old is h e?       D.Are you playing football now?


It's Sunday today.There are __26__ people in the park.Some are walking.Some are __27__ tea.Others are watching flowers.Look!That's Lucy.She's __28__ a kite __29__ her brother,Tom.The kite is high in the sky now.Their parents are sitting under the tree.What are they __30__ about?I don't know.

Oh,dear!Look!Lucy's kite is in a big tree now.Tom __31__ to climb the tree and get it__32__.But his mother doesn't let him __33__ it.At the moment we can see Polly is flying high.It can get the kite __34__ Lucy.Lucy is very happy to __35__ the kite back.She thanks Polly,her bird,very much.

26.A.many    B.much    C.two     D.good

27.A.drink    B.drinking   C.eat      D.eating

28.A.flying    B.flys    C.flies     D.fly

29.A.and     B.with    C.to      D.after

30.A.talk     B.talks    C.talking     D.talk to

31.A.wants    B.likes    C.goes     D.runs

32.A.up     B.back    C.to      D.does

33.A.do     B.to do    C.to      D.to does

34.A.to     B.with    C.for      D.and

35.A.do     B.get    C.fly      D.eat



Helen is an American girl.She is Wang Mei's penfriend(笔友).She is staying at Wang Mei's home for her holiday.Helen likes Liu Qian's magic shows very much.Now she is watching Liu Qian's magic shows on TV.

Sam is twelve years old.He is an English boy and he comes to China with his father Mr White.They are visiting Beijing Zoo.Mr White is taking a photo of kangaroos.Sam likes pandas and he is looking at the panda.

Zhang Li and her mother are in New York now.Zhang Li is taking photos of the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像).She likes it very much.Zhang Li's mother is buying some presents.She wants to give them to her friends in China.

36.What is Helen doing?

A.She is having dinner with Wang Mei.

B.She is watching a basketball match.

C.She is watching Liu Qian's magic shows on TV.

D.She is taking a photo.

37.How old is Sam?

A.Eleven.     B.Twelve.   C.Thirteen.    D.Ten.

38.Who is visiting Beijing Zoo with Sam?

A.His mother.    B.His friend.   C.His father.    D.His parents.

39.Where are Zhang Li and her mother?

A.In England.    B.In America.  C.In France.    D.In China.

40.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Helen is Wang Mei's classm ate.

B.Mr White is taking a photo of a panda.

C.Zhang Li's mother is buying presents for her friends.

D.Zhang Li is buying presents for her classmates.


New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in.There are many interesting things to see and to do.You can go to different kinds of museums,theatres and cinemas.You can also buy things from all over the world.

But there are serious(严重的) problems in big cities,too.The cost(花费) of living is high,and there are too many people in some big cities.Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances(机会) to find jobs,to study,and to receive good medical care(医疗).But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in.Also,too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean.

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