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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语同步练习   阅读:9227


一. 单项选择(20分)

1. New Year’s Day comes__________ the first day of January.

A. on    B. in      C. at     D. to

2. The Smiths__________ TV__________ seven o’clock.

A. are watching; in         B. is watching; at

C. is watching; in      D. are watching; at

3. Look! There is__________ water in the bottle. Can you go and get some?

A. little   B. a little   C. few    D. a few

4. I often help mother__________ housework after school.

A. do    B. doing   C. to doing   D. does

5. —Are you getting ready__________ the exam?

—Yes, we are.

A. to    B. for    C. in    D. at

6. What__________ “hongbao” __________?

A. is; mean  B. is; meaning  C. does; mean  D. do; mean

7. I want to buy that dress, but I don’t have __________ money.

A. so many  B. so much     C. so few   D. so little

8. What’s__________ over there? There are so many people.

A. happen   B. happened  C. happens   D. happening

9. What do you usually say to your friends and family on Christmas Eve?

A. Happy New Year!     B. Happy Birthday!

C. Merry Christmas!     D. Happy Spring Festival!

10. —Hello, may I speak to Lucy please?


A. Who are you?      B. I’m Lucy.

C. What’s wrong?     D. This is Lucy speaking.

二. 完形填空(10分)

The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually    1    in January or February. Everyone in    2    likes the Spring Festival very much. When Spring Festival comes, I usually    3    my parents clean our house and do some    4   .    5    that day,    6    eats    7   , New Year’s cakes and some other food. But I   8    dumplings best. We usually    9    dumplings and    10    TV. I like the Spring Festival.

1. A. come    B. comes  C. is coming    D. to come

2. A. America   B. China  C. England     D. Japan

3. A. help    B. helps  C. ask      D. carry

4. A. cleaning   B. fishing  C. reading     D. shopping

5. A. On    B. In   C. At      D. Of

6. A. everyone   B. someone  C. no one     D. people

7. A. eggs    B. meat   C. dumplings    D. fruit

8. A. eat    B. make   C. like      D. get

9. A. is making      B. eats   C. make and eat       D. likes

10. A. look    B. have a look C. see      D. Watch

三. 阅读理解(10分)

I’m from Shanghai. My favourite holiday is Spring Festival. On that day, we put on our new clothes and see our friends. We have dumplings for dinner.

I’m from the USA. I enjoy Christmas a lot. We say “Merry Christmas”to our family and friends, sing Christmas songs and have Christmas dinner. We also get lots of Christmas presents.

I’m from Beijing. I like Lantern Festival best. On that day, we can see many beautiful lanterns in the streets. We eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.

I come from England. I always have a great time on Easter(复活节). We play a fun game with our friends.

We eat lots of chocolate eggs.

I’m from Canada. Thanksgiving Day  (感恩节)is my favourite holiday.  My family have a turkey(火鸡)

dinner, and we also have pumpkin pies(南瓜馅饼) on that day.

1. Christmas is __________ favourite holiday.

A. Wu Jun’s   B. Betty’s    C. Mike’s   D. Linda’s

2. Mike enjoys __________ very much.

A. Christmas   B. Spring Festival C. Easter D. Thanksgiving Day

3. People have __________ on Thanksgiving Day.

A. dumplings B. noodles C. chocolate eggs D. turkey and pumpkin pies

4. There are __________ festivals in the form(表格).

A. three    B. four     C. five    D. six

5. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Wu Jun puts on his new clothes and visits friends at Spring Festival.

B. Betty is a girl from England. She likes Christmas very much.

C. Zhou Jie plays games with her friends and has rice dumplings.

D. People in Canada don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day.


四. 词汇运用(10分)


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