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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9725





( )1.________ travels around the earth.

A. The sun B. Moon C. Sun D. The moon

( ) 2.--Will there be more trees and less pollution in 100 years? --_______________.

A. Yes, there will. B. I hope not. C. Yes ,they will. D. No, I hope so.

( )3. _________ you climb, ________ views you’ll enjoy..

A. Taller, better B. The higher, the better

C. The less, the more beautiful D. The highest, the most beautiful

( )4. Both Yang Liwei and Nie Haisheng are famous Chinese ______and national _____.

A. astronauts; heros B. Young Pioneers; heroes C. astronauts; heroes

D. engineers; heros

( ).5 Some scientists think______to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us.

A. it hard B. that’s difficult C. that hard D. them difficult

( ).6. If you don’t go bike-riding with her , I ______.

A. don’t, too B. also don’t C. won’t, either D. don’t, neither

( ).7. . Don’t run or shout ________ the party,or we’ll ask you_______

A. at: leaving B. in ; to leave C. during ; to leave D. during; leave

( ).8.If I play sports ______a living, maybe I will sometimes get ______.

A. for ; injured B. at ; hurt C. by; injured D. of ; bored

( ) 9. ----I can’t find my dictionary _________ .

------Oh, I forgot to tell you. Jenny ______ yesterday.

A. somewhere; gave it back B. anywhere; returned it

C. anywhere; took it away D. everywhere; borrow it

( ) 10. She doesn’t talk to me. I’m_______ and don’t know what _____.

A. disappointing , to do B. upset; to do

C. disappointed ; to do it D. amazed; should I do

( ) 11. We should practice speaking English ___ possible.

A. as many as B. as most as C. as more as D. as often as

( ) 12. This time yesterday the police _________ for the lost kid outside the city.

A. were thinking about looking B. was thinking about looking

C. thought to look D . found out

( ) 13. He ________ theatre tickets ______ he was 11 years old.

A. have collected; for B. has been collected; since

C. has been collecting; when D. has been collecting; since

( ) 14. She doesn’t care_____ her clothes are out of style.

A. if B. what C. why D. how

( ) 15.. I’m really sorry I can’t join you in visiting the factory. I’m free every day ______ today.

A. except B. besides C. for D. without

( )16.Tim was so tired this morning. It was difficult for him _________ of bed.

A. gets over B. to get up C. to get out D. got away

( )17.---- What did your son say in the letter?

----- He told me that he _____ the Great Wall the next day.

A. will visit B. had visited C. is going to visit D. would visit

( ) 18.What ___ our life ___ in ten years?

A. does, like B. is, like C. will, like D. will, be like

( ) 19. Your answer _________ right. But in fact it’s wrong.

A. becomes B. seems C. hears D. listens

( ) 20. We used a ____ to send Shenzhou Ⅵ into space.

A. spaceship B. rocket C. plane D. train

( ) 21.While she __________, the earthquake took place in Japan.

A. cooked food for me B. is having a bake sale

C. was talking on the phone D. were arguing with her mom

( )22.The teacher said I could do better _____ English .

A. in B. at C. on D. for

( )23.There _____ two free movies at the Cinema Palace this afternoon. Half the class will go.

A. are going to be B. will have C. is going to be D. is going to have

( )24.. -----How will you go to the Museum of Flight tomorrow?

------If it ______ tomorrow ,I’ll go there by bike.

A. won’t rain B. rain C. rains D. doesn’t rain

( )25 Our parents and teachers should always _________ the teenagers. They need us.

A. there for B. plan for C. wait for D. be there for

( ) 26. I don’t like shop assistants to _______. If this happens, I’ll leave as _____ as possible.

A. watch me at the same time; happily B. follow me all the time; soon

C. welcome me everywhere; late D. pay for me; quickly

( )27. ------Whom could I _______ help if I am in trouble or danger?

-----The police, of course.

A. ask for B. leave for C. get from D. keep out

( )28 In fact I had a really hard time _______with my new classmates last semester.

A.to get on well B. getting on well C. to hang out D. got on well

( )29 Teachers are always trying their best to make _______ for us to understand what they teach.

A. it easy B. themselves easy C. that possible D. it easily

( )30.. He asked _______.

A .how did that happen B. where his jacket was

C. why they won’t join us D. whether is the weather fine here.

( )31. What did the teacher say?

He said that light______faster than sound

A. traveled B. travels C. travel D. traveling

( ) 32. _____France sure to win the next World Cup?------It’s hard to say..

A. Will B. Does C. Is D. Was

( ) 33. The twins could have a bake sale to pay for education at the age of 7 .”Could” means_______

A. should B. be able C. was able to D. were able to

( ) 34. It took me a long time to _______ my headache., which lasted around a month.

A. .care for B. keep out C. look for D. get over

( ) 35. ----Did you see the girl in red pass by just now?

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语试卷
