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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9974




1. Do you know Yang Liwei? He is the first a______ in China.

2. The jeans you bought yesterday are out of s____.

3. We should study hard to prepare our knowledge for work in the f__________.

4. I make a lot of money, I can buy my o___ house.

5. The girl makes a living b___ singing in the street.

6. The shy girl felt n_________ when she saw the

strange people.

7. More and more cars make a lot of p__________

in the city.

8. I went to Shanghai last year and f________ in

love with it.

9. An a__ is a person who doesn’t live on the earth.

10. What h___________ while Linda was talking on

the phone?

11. I couldn’t find my pen, I looked for it e________.

12. She got the first prize, everyone thinks she is l__.

13. E_________ me, all the other boys in my class

went boating last week.

14. Please give me another c______ to do the work again. I won’t make such mistakes anymore.

15. They told me how they studied to i_________

their professional competence (能力)

16. She a_________ with the waiter about the price

of the meal, and finally the manager came out and

apologized to her.


1. 过时

2. 同他相处融洽

3. 首先 _____________

4. get nervous ______________

5. 谋生 _____________

6. be able to ______________

7. 实际上

8. 为了

9. 实现

10. all the time ________________

11. have a great time _____________

12. take away _____________

13.更多的污染  ______________

14. 在未来、在将来

15. I’m sorry to hear that _______________

16. the same as _______________

17.更少的树木 _______________

18. be supposed to ________________

19. go to college ______________

20. 全世界

21. fall in love with ________________

22. 海拔2000米 23. travel around the world ________________


1. You are too heavy. You should eat _____ meat.

A. more B. fewer C. less

2. There ________ a volleyball match in our

school tomorrow.

A. will have B. will be C. is going to have

3. He is an _________ boy.

A. eight years old B. eight-year-old

C. eight-years-old D. eight-years old

4. My clothes are ______. I want to buy new ones.

A. in style B. fashionable C. out of style

5. Li lei needs to play for a summer camp, he has

to ________ some money from his parents.

A. borrow B. lend C. use

6. I’m good at English. My teacher said I was


A. lazy B. hard-working C. upset

7. If you ________, you will fail the exam.

A. work hard B. don’t work hard C. won’t work hard

8. OK. Let’s give him _______ to eat.

A. something different B. different anything

C. anything different D. different something

9. __________ the exam, he worked hard.

A. Passing B. To passing

C. In order to pass D. For passing

10. ________ Ann was having lunch, I was

watching TV.

A. When B. While C. After

11. Lucy said she ________ a party for Mary.

A. will have B. am having C. was having

12. I argued with my best friend yesterday, so I

was____. A. happy B. unhappy C. crazy

13. I _________ to the cinema with you if I am free.

A. go B. will go C. went D. going

14. The ___ football game ____ all the football fans.

A. disappointing; disappointing

B. disappointed; disappointed

C. disappointing; disappointed

D. disappointed; disappointing

15. We had a big fight last week, but we soon

________ it, and now we are good friends again.

A. find out B. remember C. get over

16. In class the teacher asked me to ________ some chalk from his office.

A. bring B. take C. fetch D. buy

17. They are good friends now. They _________

each other. A. go on well B. get on

C. get on well with D. get on well

18. I think she _______ her homework in two hours.

A. finished B. finishing C. finishes D. will finish

19. He told me he ________ me tomorrow.

A. calls B. called C. will call D. would call

20. Your clothes are out of style. I think you

________ buy some new clothes.

A. should B. may C. can D. shall


1. My mum let me ________ (wash) my clothes


2. If he _________ (come) here tomorrow, I will

tell you.

3. We ______________ (read) in the classroom at

that time.

4. __________ (be) an engineer in ten years.

5. Are there ___________ (few) kids in Class 1

than in Class 2?

6. On the right of the teaching building are many

______________ (dormitory).

7. I think it is not a good idea ____________ (copy) others’ homework.

8. Mr Green enjoys __________ (live) in China.

9. Alan is a ___________ (Japan) student.

10. It’s fun __________ (learn) another language.

11. I think you should ___________ (ask) your

teacher for some help.

12. Every night his mother _______ (want) him

_____________ (stay) at home.

13. -___________ you _________ (travel) to the

Great Wall next week?

14. You once __________ (tell) me that you

_____ (have) two elder sister but now you ___ (say) you have three. Which should I believe?

15. What _______ you _______ (do) while I

_________ (cook) in the kitchen just now? I

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语试卷
