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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9973


一、 单项选择题(15分)

(  )1. ________do you surf the Internet?   Once a week.

A.How        B.How old      C.How often    D.How many

(  )2. His mother wants him ________ good food.

A.eat          B.to eat        C.eating       D.eats

(  )3. What's the matter ____________ you?

A. forB. withC. to       D. at

(  )4. I have a toothache. I should ____________.

A. see the dentistB. drink more water  

C. lie down and rest D. eat lots of candies

(  )5. It's important_____________ a balanced diet.

A. to eat         B. eating  C. to eating              D. eat

(  )6. --I have a headache. I can't sleep. --_____________

A. Don't worry.                        B. It will make you sick.

C. I'm sorry to hear that.                 D. Why do you have a headache?

(  )7.“What are you doing for vacation?”   “We are going _____.”

A. campB. to campC. campingD. camps

(  )8. “_____ are you staying here?”    “For two days.”

A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. When

(  )9. “We are going to Hainan for vacation this summer.”  “_____.”

A. Have a good timeB. See you later

C. That sounds boringD. Really? I’m sorry to hear that.

(  )10.does it take you reading the book?

A. How long; to finishB. How soon; finish

C. How often; finishingD. How long; finished

(  )11. “is it from here to the station?” “Not very far. It’s ten minutes’ ride.”

A. How longB. How farC. How much D. How many

(  )12. —Can you play soccer with me?—.

A. I can      B. That’s all right   C. Sure. I’d love to   D. No

(  )13. Joe has a fever. He has to _________ the doctor.  

A. going to     B. go toC. goingD. go

(  )14. 2. My friend is the same _______ me. We are _______ quiet.

A. as, both      B. as, all      C. to, both   D. so, all

(  )15. Helen ________ than Kate.

A.is calmer    B.is calm        C.calm        D.calmer


The summer vacation is the best time of the year for most American children. The __16__ is usually good, so they can have a good time outdoors. If one lives in the countryside, he or she may have fun __17__ in the woods or fields. If one lives in a big __18__, he or she may like to go to a park to play.

Tom, __19__ American boy, enjoys traveling very much. He __20__ travels in his country. But he wants to do something different this __21__. He is interested in Chinese history. __22__ he is going to Beijing and Xi’an by plane. He is leaving on the 15th of July and getting __23__ to New York on the last day of the month. He plans to have a fantastic vacation. __24__ these days, he is visiting places of interest and going shopping. At __25__, he is taking walks to enjoy night views. He is sure he will have a wonderful vacation.

(    )16. A. weatherB. peopleC. foodD. beaches

(    )17. A. to play

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语试卷
