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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9406





Ⅱ. 情景反应,听问句,选择合适的答语。(听二遍)(5分)

( )6. A. He likes reading B. He’s tall and thin. C. He’d like some coffe.

( )7. A. Large. B. Beef and carrot noodles. C. I’d like two bowls.

( )8.A. I went to the beach. B. It’s great. C. It was OK.

( )9. A. At three o’clock. B. Last weekend C. Two days ago.

( )10.A. Yes, it’s. B. Yes, there are. C. No. There’s one 2 miles away



( )11. What are they talking about?

A. Noodles. B. Lunch C. Tomatoes.

( )12. What kind of noodles did Mark have?

A. Beef and carrot noodles. B. Chicken and tomato noodles.

C. Beef and tomato noodles.


( )13. What’s Ms Li like?

A. She’s short with long hair. B. She’s short with curly hair.

C. She’s short with short hair.

( )14. What subject did Mr Smith teach?

A. Math B. Science C. Geography.

( )15. Which one is RIGHT?

A. Ms Li teaches science. B. Mr Smith was a tall man with no beard.

C. The new teacher is too strict.


( )16. How old is Li Lei?

A. 12 B. 13 C. 14

( )17. Where does he live?

A. In a small village. B. Near his school. C. In a big village.

( )18. Is Li Lei late for school?

A. Yes, sometimes. B. Yes, always. C. No, never.

( )19. What does Li Lei’s father want to buy for him?

A. A watch B. A bike. C. Some medicine

( )20. How is Li Lei now?

A. Strong B. Tired C. Ill.



( )21. ——Mr Wang teaches English.

——He’s good teacher.

A. your , our B. you, us C. your, us D. you, our

( )22. ——What on the desk?

——There a book and two pens on the desk.

A. is, are B. are, are C. is, is D. are, is

( )23. ——The weather report says that it will be tomorrow.

——That’s too bad. We have to stay at home.

A. sunny B. cloud C. raining D. rainy

( )24. —— Sunday morning, there are many people in the park.

—— Yes, there are.

A. On B. At C. In D. To

( )25. —— ?

——He’s a bank clerk.

A. Where’s he B. What’s he doing C. What does he do D. How is he

( )26. ——My sister has beautiful long blonde .

——How beautiful!

A. look B. build C. hair D. back

( )27. ——Look at the workers!

——It’s raining hard they’re still working hard.

A. and B. or C. because D. but

( )28. ——My math teacher teaches .

——But he’s not feeling today.

A. well, well B. good, good C. good, well D. well, good

( )29. ——Some people think Seven Avenue is a wonderful place .

——I think so.

A. take a walk B. to take a walk C. taking a walk D. taking walks

( )30. ——I played tennis last weekend. What about you?

——I played guitar.

A. X, the B. the, X C. the, the D. X, X

( )31. ——How was Ming’s weekend?

——Great! She to the movies.

A. goes B. is going C. go D. went

( )32. ——Mum. I’m thirsty.

——There’s on the table.

A. some chicken B. a hamburge C. some juice D. some oranges.

( )33. ——Gloria Green, a pop singer, has a new look.

——She long hair now. She has short hair.

A. haven’t B. doesn’t have C. don’t have D. has

( )34. ——Stop ! The teacher is coming!


A. saying B. to say C. talking D. to talk

( )35. ——Where’s the bank?

—— It’s the school.

A. next to B. cross from C. in the front of D. between.


It’s not healthy to sit in front of the TV all day with a bag of potato chips by your side. 36 what can we do to be healthy? Kids often don’t really 37 .

Look at the 38 in the zoo. Many of 39 are more healthy than kids. Why? They get 40 exercise. They even have trainer(驯兽师)kids, on the other hand, have to go to school. They spend most of time sitting 41 desks.

This is 42 kids need to think seriously(严肃地) about their health. They need to eat and 43 exercise.

On this page you can see just what healthy lives zoo animal live. Elephants 44 and play in the mud(泥). Orangutans(猩猩) swing on ropes all day. And the zoos make sure they get just the right 45

for their health.

Then you can read something about boys and girls. They have the same needs but have very different lives.

( )36. A. And B. But C. Or D. So

( )37. A. want B. tell C. ask D. know

( )38. A. birds B. elephants C. animals D. tigers.

( )39. A. them B. us C. they D. animals

( )40. A. so much B. so many C. many D. little

( )41. A. back B. front C. behind D. outside

( )42. A. what B. why C. how D. where

( )43. A. need B. what C. give D. take

( )44. A. swim B. walk C. play D. drink

( )45. A. water B. fruits C. food D. meat


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