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2016年八年级下册Unit3 Part A训练试题

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9672

【摘要】想要学好英语不仅要做到“听说读写”,还要持之以恒,下面是www.xiaozhibei.com为大家提供的“2013年八年级下册Unit3 Part A训练试题”,希望在加深对知识点记忆的同时还可以帮助大家提高学习成绩!

2013年八年级下册Unit3 Part A训练试题


1. I _____________________(拜访祖父母)last weekend.

2. Class 1 _________________(踢足球)with Class 3 last Sunday morning.

3. Chen Jie _________________(打扫房间)every day.

4. Sarah ___________________(洗衣服)yesterday.

5. Sometimes he _________________(看电视).


( )1. A. cooking B. fishing C. sing D. swimming

( )2. A. visit B. was C. clean D. go

( )3. A. come B. piano C. see D. have

( )4. A. watches B. goes C. walks D. sisters

( )5. A. this morning B. yesterday C. last week D. last night


Jack _______ (be) busy last weekend. He ________ (visit) her parents on Saturday morning. She ________ (cook) meals for them. In the afternoon, he ________ (clean) the rooms and _________ (wash) the clothes for them. In the evening, they _________ (TV) together. On Sunday morning, they _________ (do) sports. In the afternoon, they _________ (listen) to the music. In the evening, they ___________ (play) ping pong and then Jack _______ (go) back home.


( )1. What did you do yesterday? A. No, I don’t.

( )2. Did you have a busy weekend? B. I visited my English teacher.

( )3. What do you do every morning? C. No, I didn’t

( )4. Does she wash clothes every day? D. I usually do sports.

( )5. Do you often play football? E. No, she doesn’t.


( )1. Do you often help them _______ their bedroom?

A. clean B. cleaned C. cleans D. cleaning

( )2. It was my _________ birthday.

A. father B. fathers C. father’s D. fathers’

( )3. John _____ busy last night.

A. is B. was C. were D. are

( )4. He often plays the piano ____ Sunday morning.

A. in B. at C. / D. on

( )5. She played ping-pong _______ her friends.

A. to B. with C. for D. of


例: My teacher often play basketball on Saturday evening. (yesterday evening)

My teacher played basketball yesterday evening.

1. I wash my clothes every Friday afternoon. (last Friday afternoon)


2. My parents often visit my grandparents on the weekend. (last weekend)


3. Amy usually cooks meals in the evening. (yesterday evening)


4. John often watches TV every Sunday morning. (last Sunday morning)


5. He often cleans the room at night. (last night)



1. do, did, last, what, you, weekend


2. room, did, them, their, help, clean, you


3. yesterday, to, I, music, listened, afternoon


4. friends, he, with, football, played, his


5. do, do, weekend, what, the, usually, on, you




Mr Black was a doctor. He worked in a big hospital. He was from America. He liked Chinese people and Chinese food. He got up early and went to work by car. The hospital was far from his house. He had his lunch in the canteen. He was very busy during the daytime(白天). In the evening, Mr Black watched football match. He liked football very much.

( ) 1. Mr. Black is a doctor now.

( ) 2. Mr. Black worked in a hospital.

( ) 3. He went to work on foot.

( ) 4. He was busy in the hospital.

( ) 5. Mr. Black is a football player.


Sarah: Hi, Amy. Did you have a good weekend?

Amy: Yes, it was a busy one.

Sarah: What did you do Saturday morning?

Amy: I washed my clothes. I went to a park.

Sarah: What did you do Saturday afternoon?

Amy: I did my homework. I went fishing.

Sarah: What did you do Sunday morning?

Amy: I cleaned my room. I visited my grandparents.

Sarah: What did you do Sunday afternoon?

Amy: I played football. I watched TV. Oh, I am so tired.

( )1. Sarah had a _____ weekend.

A. good B. busy C. free D. A and B

( )2. Sarah _____________ Saturday morning.

A. washed her clothes and did her homework.

B. went to a park and did her homework

C. washed her clothes and went to a park.

D. did her homework and went fishing

( )3. Sunday afternoon Sarah ____________.

A. played football and watched TV

B. did her homework and went fishing

C. washed her clothes and went to a park

D. cleaned her room and watched TV

( )4. Saturday afternoon she ____________.

A. played football and watched TV

B. did her homework and went fishing

C. played football and went fishing

D. did her homework and watched TV.

( )5. Sarah is ________ now.

A. excited B. bored C. happy D. tired


以My weekend为题,简单介绍上周末你都做了些什么事情,要求不得少于五句话。

标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语试卷
