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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9741


Class ___________ Name ___________ No. ___________   Mark ______________

一. 单项选择(16%)

(     )1. The fruit store has many kinds of fruit,             apples, bananas and mangoes.

A. like   B. for example      C. such as  D. as well as

(     )2. Tony is ________ in collecting sports cars. He has an _________ hobby.

A. interesting, interested                   B. interest, interesting

C. interested, interesting                   D. interested, interest

(     )3. David __________ a book and it ________ in 2003.

A. wrote, came over  B. write, came over  C. had written, came down   D. wrote, came out

(     )4. He is very _____ because his hobby has brought him _________ and success.

A. luck, enjoyment     B. lucky, enjoyment     C. luck, enjoy       D. lucky, enjoyable

(     )5. Johan didn’t review(复习) the lesson, ________ he couldn’t answer the teacher’s question.

A. as a result          B. but          C. because        D. because of

(     )6. Trees will improve the air and make the park _______ beautiful.

A. to look          B. looking       C. look            D. looked

(     )7. He asked me ________________.

A. if she will come            B. how many books I want to have

C. they help us do it            D. what was wrong with me

(     )8. My father told me that light __________ much faster than sound.

A. is traveling         B. will travel         C. traveled          D. travels

(     )9.  The driver insisted(坚持) he ________ the way but he ______ lost.

A. knew; gets        B. knew, got           C. know, gets        D. knows, got

(     )10. Do you feel like ________ with me?

A. go shop         B. going shopping        C. to go shop           D. go shopping

(     )11. Do you know _______________?

A. whether we should water the flowers  B. whether should we water the flowers

C. should we whether water the flowers      D. whether we had watered the flowers

(     )12. He likes music very much and I often see him _________ music.

A. hear to            B. listen to           C. to hear            D. to listen

(     )13. The world is changing _______________.

A. for the first time       B. from time to time       C. at that time    D. all the time

(     )14. It is very exciting ___________ the whole afternoon ________ with good friend.

A. to spend, playing    B. spend, playing      C. to spend, to play     D. spend, to play (     )15. I don't know _______ he will come tomorrow or not.________ he comes,I'll tell you.

A.if;Whether      B.whether;Whether     C.if;That     D.whether;If

(     )16. ---Can you guess ________ the MP4 player yesterday?  ---Sorry, I’ve no idea about it.

A. how much did he pay for it            B. how can he get

C. how much he paid for                D. how he has got

二. 完型填空(10%)

That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop in the street corner.  He stopped to   1   the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He   2    wanted to have a pair for his birthday.

He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him   3    if she could. But he also knew very well she had   4   money. He decided not to go home   5   as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat down on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands. Michael looked at him carefully and was   6   to see that the boy had no feet. He looked   7   at his own feet. "It is   8   better to be without shoes than   9   feet." he thought. There was no reason for him to   10   so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in his life.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语试卷
