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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9470

(   ) 60.  A. while          B.  when        C.  then           D. as

三. 阅读理解 (共14分)


Lily asked her friends about their vacation.

Kelsey went to New York City in the US. It is a very big city. It is also called “ Big Apple”, She went shopping there. She also visited Times Square and Central Park.

Sonia went to Sanya, China. There are beautiful beaches in Sanya. It was hot there  She swam and played beach volleyball there.

Victor went to Sydney with his family .  They visited the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Tower. They also went to the movies there.

Vera went to Beijing, China. There are many interesting museums in  Beijing. She visited them .She learned a lot there.

Jet just stayed at home  .  He likes reading. He read a lot of books about history.

(   ) 61. “ Big Apple” is

A.Beijing       B.  Sanya     C. New York    D. Shanghai

(   ) 62.         went to the movies in Sydney.

A. Lily         B. Victor     C. Sonia       D. Jet

(   ) 63 Vera visited many       in Beijing.

A. parks        B. Schools    C. stores       D. museums


We all know that it is important to protect (保护) our teeth. We’d better not eat too many candies .We’d better brush our teeth every day . A new survey (调查) in America also shows that if we drink too many sodas (碳酸饮料),our teeth will also be bad.

In America, it is popular to drink sodas. About 90 % young people have sodas every day .  Most of them have more than three glasses of sodas every day. About 30% of them have bad teeth. When they eat fast food, or when are thirty, they drink sodas instead of (代替) water. But the sodas are sweet, and the sweet things can change into sour (碳酸) things, and the sour things can make the teeth bad. The American scientists say that sodas are bad for teeth. It is not good to drink sodas especially for the young people.

(   ) 64. If you     , your teeth will be bad.

A. eat too many candies               B. don’t brush your teeth

C. drink too many sodas               D. all of the above (以上所有)

(   ) 65. About        young people don’t have sodas every day.

A. 10%        B. 30%          C. 70%          D. 90%

(   ) 66. According to the passage,      can make the teeth bad.

A. the salty things                     B. the sour things

C. the hot things                      D. the cold things

(   ) 67. The writer wants to tell us to

A. eat more fast food                  B. drink water every day

C. drink sodas every day               D. protect oue teeth


The crocodile (鳄鱼) only lives in hot countries, such as India, Australia,,Africa and America. It spends most of its time lying in the mud or rivers. It lays its eggs and leaves them under leaves or sand, and the baby crocodile come out of the shells. The crocodile’s long tail helps it to swim . It is also an excellent weapon (武器). One blow will knock down a man or even a big animal at once.

The crocodile’s protects itself by the hard body plates. And those plates cover most of its body. Because of its special neck, the crocodile cannot turn its head around ; instead it can only see in front of itself. The crocodile bird helps to clean the crocodile’s teeth. For it cannot clean its own teeth, nor can it move its tongue up and down .  With its terrible teeth, it seizes its food, such as a fish, a duck, or even a careless man, and then it holds them below the water until they drown (淹死)。



Where does the crocodile 71

Where to leave its eggs 72

Usage (用途)of 73              Swimming and attacking (进攻)

What to use to protect itself 74

Usage of the crocodile bird            cleaning the teeth

What to seize and eat food with        Its teerible teeth

任务型阅读 (共7个小题,每小题2分,满分14分)

Are you in good health ? (1)   Do you want to keep healthy   ? If you want, please do the following things. First of all, you should exercise every day, such as playing basketball, jogging (慢跑)。 No sports, no life, Second, you should have a good eating habit. You should try to eat more vegetables and fruit and (2)                 milk every day. You’d better eat junk food as little as possible . Please remember: (3)   An apple a day keeps the doctor  away

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
