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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9962


1. We were __________(鼓掌) our hands when the pop singer came out .

2. It was an ___________(体验) for me that I once worked as a policeman .

3. They all sat down and __________(讨论) the problem.

4. Do you know where the Oriental Pearl __________(塔) is ?—Yes, it’s in Shanghai.

5. Of course, overwork will do __________ ( 伤害) to your health.

6. I was afraid at first but then I knew that they were _________(无害的)

7. A few years ago the army from the USA _________(前进,行军) into Iraq and fought with the people there. A lot of people died in the war.

8. __________(滑雪) with friends is really interesting

9. What do you think of the ___________(主题)song of this TV play ?

10. You should speak ___________(清楚) to make yourself understood.


1. 可能肯定不可能是某人________________ 2. 进行一次令人兴奋的旅行____________

3. 欣赏美景并照相_______________________ 4. 他在日本的第五天__________________

5. 游览这主题公园很开心_________________ 6. 一……就…… _____________________

7. 傍晚下午晚些时候 ____________________ 8. A与B很相配_______________________

9. 向游客挥手 ___________________________ 10. 随音乐起舞_______________________

11. 与某人讨论这项任务___________________ 12. 迷路_____________________________

13. 向某人展示某物_______________________ 14. 变得兴奋 ________________________

15. 一次快乐的旅行_______________________ 16. 计划去某地旅行___________________

17. 忍不住不停地做某事 __________________ 18. 看见某人正做某事_________________

19. 查询有关……的一些信息_______________ 20. 买闪光的发夹给某人留纪念_________


1. — I came to your officer yesterday morning, but nobody was in.

— Oh, we _____ a meeting in the meeting room.

A. have had B. had C. were having D. had had

2. _____ the temperature drops to –50℃,I’ll go to Harbin to see the beautiful view this winter holiday.

A. Even though B. If C. Since D. Though

3. It was already eleven o’clock _____ he got back home.

A. while B. if C. since D. when

4. Ben wanted to buy some stationary _____souvenirs _____ my cousin.

A. as; for B. for; as C. for; for D. as; as

5. — _____ you having supper while we were doing housework ?

— Yes, I _____.

A.were; were B.was; was C. was; were D. were; was

6.How much did you_____ on the skating things ?

A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay

7. — Someone’s at the door. Is it Cathy?

— No, it _____ be Cathy . It______ be Tommy. He’s come to get his book.

A. mustn’t; may B. mustn’t; must C. can’t; must D. can’t; may

8.Look! That lovely girl’s playing the piano so _____, and the music sounds very _____.

A. beautiful; beautiful B. beautifully; beautifully

C. beautiful; beautifully D. beautifully; beautiful

9. — What do you think of my answer to the question?

— Sorry. What’s that ? I _____ about something else.

A. was thinking B. thought C. had thought D. am thinking

10. —I’m going on a trip to Hong Kong after the exam.

— Really? _____________!

A.Have a nice time B. It’s nice of you C. OK D. Congratulations to you

11. The driver hurt the boy _____ badly_____ he had to see the doctor.

A. so; that B. either; or C. too; to D. neither; nor

12. I didn’t have any ideas about it _____ you told me .

A. until B. when C. while D. if

13. Boys likes sports _____ girls like to sing and dance.

A. while B. when C. but D. after.

14.They are _____ beautiful flowers _____ many people want to buy them .

A. as; as B. so; that C. so; as D. such; that

15. Last Friday I saw some boys _____ behind Daniel, ______ the computer games.

A. sit; watching B. sitting; watch C. sit; watch D. sitting; watched



1. 昨天的这个时候你在观看游行吗?


2. 即使你不说,我也能猜到它的意思。


3. 当西蒙敲门的时候,我正在坐在沙发上看报呢!


4. 这是如此有趣的一堂英语课,没人听到下课的铃声。


5. 在苏州,春天是游览园林的最佳时节。


6. 对于我们来说,明天下午之前检查好如此多作业是不可能的。


7. 下周三学校将有一次运动会。


8. 昆明四季温暖,你可以在任何季节游览这个地方。


9. — 还有什么要我帮忙吗?— 我还要买一份礼物给堂兄。


10. 表演者是如此的搞笑,以致于我们忍不住不停的大笑(laugh)。



1. Jack is too young to dress himself. (同义句)

Jack is not ________ _________ to _________ _________ clothes by __________.

2. My grandfather is too old to travel around . (同义句)

My grandfather is _________ old _________ he ________ travel around any_________.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
