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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9932



(   ) 1. The old man has__     __ useful horse and            horse can do a lot of things for him.

A. an; a      B. the; a       C. an; the             D. a; the

(   ) 2. It may be dangerous ________ a car _________a snowy day.

A. to drive, in  B. to drive, on  C. drive, in      D. drive, on

(   ) 3. — Did you hear the shouts_________ the boy?

— Yes. When I arrived there, I found the boy looking at a snake ________ fear.

A. from; in  B. at; with       C. from; with   D. in; in

(   ) 4. Don’t forget ________ an umbrella. It’s going to rain.

A. to bring    B. to take     C. taking      D. bringing

(   ) 5. The sentence structure(结构)of “Teachers ask me to finish the homework on time” is ____________.

A. S+V+DO      B. S+V+IO+DO    C. S+V+DO+OC      D. S+V+P

(   ) 6. ——_____________ does she weigh?     ——Her ______________ is 50kg.

A. How heavy; weigh   B. How many; weight     C. How much; weight       D. How much; weigh

(   )7. After the coach stopped, the guide ________ bottles of drinking water to the tourists.

A. gave off  B. gave out       C. gave in   D. gave away

(   ) 8. The boy didn’t find his pen, so he had to write his letter ________ his pencil.

A. used   B. use      C. to use    D. using

(   ) 9. I find this Math problems very ______. I believe students can work it out ______.

A. easily; easy     B. easy; easily    C. easily; easily        D. easy; easy

(   ) 10. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must ______ down too many trees.

A. keep people from cutting          B. prevent people from cutting

C. stop people cutting             D. all the above

(   ) 11. — I’d like to go out to play, but I don’t know ________.    — You can go to the park.

A. where to go   B. where going      C. what to go     D. what going

(   ) 12. We will do everything we can ________ the birds living there.

A. save            B. to save            C. saving              D. to saving

(   ) 13. — When did you hear the news that Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature(文学)?   —________.

A. Until I came back home    B. For two hours     C. Not until last month  D. In half an hour

(   ) 14. ________ the earthquake happened, most of the people ________ at home.

A. While; were sleeping    B. When; slept       C. While; slept       D. When; were sleeping

(   ) 15. I hear that there ____ a basketball match this afternoon.

A. will have        B. will has         C. is going to have        D. will be

(   ) 16. You look good ______red and blue looks nice _______you, too.

A. on, on         B. in, in           C. on, in                  D. in, on

(   ) 17. We have got everything ready, so we need___________.

A. else something     B. something else     C. nothing else           D. else nothing

(   ) 18. That restaurant is ________ people, and they look very ________.

A. full with, happy    B. fill with,happily   C. full of, happy          D. fill to,happily

(   ) 19. John often tells us funny jokes.________ he is !

A.what a funny boy   B.What funny boy    C.How funny boy        D.How a funny boy

(   ) 20. -I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home.   -Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot, to take     B. left, to bring       C. forgot, to bring        D. left, to take


One day,I was reading a newspaper when my wife(妻子)called,“Will you   1  here and make your baby daughter eat her food?”

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