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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9932

5. The telephone kept ringing for a long time, but I didn’t answer it. I am wondering who the__________ (call) can be.

6. The man shouldn’t shout to the old woman ___________ (polite), because he made it wrong himself.

7. You will be ____________ (welcome) in the library if you make much noise.

8. Go out for a walk if it ___________ (not be) rainy tomorrow.

9. The man _________ (drop) some litter on the ground a moment ago. I think he’s wrong.

10. I'll find out when and where               (go) climbing.

11. After walking for a long time, they felt much _______________ (thirsty).

12. The meat smells ____________ (terrible). Throw it away.

13. My home is full of people today, because it is my fatcher’s ______________ (fifty) birthday.

14. Do you mind           (show) me how to use the new computer?

15. On ___________ (woman)Day, children often give their mothers nice presents.

六、任务型阅读。 (共10分)

Here is something about the America students. In America each student works as hard as he or she wants in high school. If they don’t work hard enough to get good grades, they will not pass. If they fail, they may not get into the college(大学)they want to. However(然而), in high school you have _____ time to do things than in college. Many students take part in hobby groups. Other students go in for sports such as football, baseball or basketball. Nearly(几乎)all high schools have sports teams. Also students usually get their first job when they are in high school, though(尽管) the jobs aren’t very good. For example, a lot of students work at fast-food restaurants. In American high schools, fashion(时尚)seems very ______. If you don’t have the newest and coolest clothes as those children who certainly already have them, they will think you are not cool.

1. 请在文中空白处填上适当的单词,使文章上下文意思连贯、完整:______________  ______________

2. 请将文中划线的句子译成中文:______________________________________________________________

3. 回答问题:What can students in high school do in their free time?


4. 找出文中与下面句子意思相近的句子:

In American high school, if you don’t have fashionable clothes, the others who have them may laugh at you.


5. 找出文章的主题句:



Do you know how to make friends with a group of people? Let me t____1____ you the steps about making friends with the group. Maybe it’s h___2____ to you.

First, you need to know what k___3___ of group they belong to. If people of the group are shy(害羞的), never ask them “Why don’t you talk?” or “Why are you quiet?” They don’t like it, so d____4___ do it.

N____5___, remember that each group is different. They will use different words, find different things funny .

Then, the important thing is that you should try to be outgoing(外向的). I____6___ you are outgoing, you will become very popular . Remember, n__7_____ wants to make friends with a quite shy person.

F___8___, find a right topic to talk with the group. For example, you can ask people w___9____ they will do before the weekend, but don’t make plans at once. S___10___ things can change, so just talk with them.

1. __________    2.__________        3._________       4.__________        5. __________

6. ________      7.__________        8._________       9.___________      10. _________



过去 1.生活贫困,房屋破旧;


现在 1.高楼林立,黄浦江(Huangpu River)上新建了几座大桥;



将来 请你用一两句话展望上海的未来……

要求: 1. 短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,并适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺;

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。

Changes to Shanghai

Shanghai has changed a lot over the years. However, in the past, _________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________




1. W: Can you hear the rain outside?     M: Yes. It’s raining heavily. I must take an umbrella.

2. M: What a hot day!                 W: Yes. Let’s go swimming.

3. M: What bird do you like best?        W: My favourite bird is the swan.

4. W: My brother fell from a tall tree and badly hurt.     M: I sorry to hear that...

5. W: I lost my way to school yesterday morning?       M: Because of the thick fog?        W: Yes.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
