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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9370



1.He is a famous athlete and can ______ a lot of money every year.

A.pay            B.make C.cost         D.ask

2.If you study harder,you will ______ go to college.

A.are able to       B.be able C.can be able to       D.be able to

3.Nobody went there with him.He went by ______.

A.him         B.himself C.his          D.themselves

4.I'm late for school today.I think my teacher must be ______ me.

A.worried about       B.pleased with C.friendly to       D.angry with

5.If she ______,she'll have a great time.

A.do          B.will do C.does         D.did

6.It's a secret between you and me.I hope you can keep it ______.

A.to us         B.to ourselves C.for us        D.for ourselves

7.Unless we ______ the problem,we won't be happy. A.solve         B.will solve C.solved         D.solving

8.Your son often smokes.Please advise him ______it.

A.to smoke        B.not to smoke C.smoking        D.not smoking

9.He got ______ before he was famous.

A.a education        B.an education C.education        D.some education

10.He often makes ______ mistakes,because he doesn't read ______.

A.careful;carefully      B.careless;careful C.careless;carefully      D.careful;carelessly

11.—I don't remember the teacher's telephone number. —If you______,we can call her for help.

A.are         B.will C.do          D.did

12.______ a problem is like ______ it in half.

A.Share;cut        B.Sharing;cut C.Share;cutting       D.Sharing;cutting

13.Do you think the worst thing is ______nothing?

A.do          B.does C.to do         D.Done

14.When they move ______ there,they live in ______. A.to;apartment       B.to;an apartment C./;apartment       D./;an apartment

15.Half the class______. A.is sing         B.is singing






标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
