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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9243


第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(85分)


16.John is______than Peter.

A.funnier   B.fun    C.funny     D.more funny

17.My sister is______more outgoing than me.

A.more     B.most    C.a little     D.little

18.Li Ming and Lin Tao______black eyes.

A.has     B.have both   C.both have    D.both has

19.The people all over the world are the same ______ many ways.

A.in      B.at    C.from     D.for

20.—______ should get the job,Tom or Jim?xkb1.com

—I think Tom should get the job.

A.Who do you think        B.Whose do you think

C.Do you think whose       D.Do you think who

21.I can't tell the difference between the twins.They ______.

A.look same         B.look like

C.look the same        D.look different

22.The theme ( 主题) of the World Expo(世博会) 2010 Shanghai China is “_ _____ city,______ life”.

A.good;good    B.well;well  C.better;better    D.best;best

23.______ they are good friends,______ they have different interests.

A.Though;but   B.Though;/  C.Because;so    D.Because;/

24.John is as ______ as Ben.

A.athletic     B.more athletic  C.much athletic   D.a little athletic

25.—Hi,Tom.Is your brother as active as you?

—No,he's a quiet boy.He is ____ __.

A.less outgoing than me        B.not so calm as me

C.more active than me       D.as outgoing as me


Should friends be different or the same?The following is what three of my classmates say.

My name is Mary.I like to have friends who are  __26__ me.My best friend Betty is taller and __27__ than me.I am __28__ and like reading,but she is more athletic than me.She likes sports and always beats me __29__ ping­pong.

My name is Peter.I am very funny and outgoing.I like friends __30__ have the same interests as me.My best friend is Victor.He is much fatter than me.But __31__ like doing the same things.We don't think differences ar e important in a friendship.

I'm Ted.I like to have friends who are __32__ me.It's necessary __33__ the same.All my friends are smart and athletic.And they are as __34__ as me.I am thinner than most of them,but I run __35__ among them.

26.A.difference from B.difference to  C.different to    D.different from

27.A.more outgoing   B.outgoing   C.outgoinger    D.much outgoing

28.A.happy    B.quiet    C.tall      D.angry

29.A.in     B.on    C.at      D.with

30.A.where    B.what    C.who     D.which

31.A.both we    B.we both   C.both us     D.we all

32.A.as     B.look    C.so      D.like

33.A.be     B.is    C.to be     D.was

34.A.carefully    B.careful   C.more careful    D.most careful

35.A.fastest    B.fast    C.faster     D.much fast



Find and keep y our friendship

Everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.Your friends will listen to you when you speak,will take care of you when you are sick,and will be together with you in your journey through life.

Everyone needs friends.Friendship can make us happier.How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other?Here is some advice.

★Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with.

★You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.

★Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble.Friends should always be ready to help each other.

★Believe in each other.This is the most important thing in a friendship.

★Even the best friends may have quarrels (争吵) sometimes.If this happens,don't let your quarrel last too lo ng.Try to make up with (和好) your friends soon.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life.It is like a bottle of wine.The longer it is kept,the better it will be.


36.Rich people don't need friends.

37.If your friends are in trouble,you should help them.

38.Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.

39 .Don't believe in your friends.

40.Best friends don't have a quarrel.


Some people like to have friends who are different from them.Others like to have friends who are similar to them.W hat kind of friends do you want for yourself?


Join Date:March 2011

Location:the United Kingdom I like to have friends who are like me.Both my best friend Wade and I like traveling.We went to Italy last month and stayed there for a week.Next month we are planning to go to Paris.However,Wade is more athletic than me.

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