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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9967

43.It's colder in ______ than in any other month.

A.January  B.February  C.November  D.December

44.The hottest months are  ______.

A.May and June  B.July and August  C.June and July  D.June and August

45.The coldest months are ______.

A.Aug.and Jun.  B.Jan.and Feb.  C.Sep.and Oct.  D.Nov.and Dec.


English weather,

Everybody talks about the weather in England and this is not surprising.It changes from minute to minute, so it's always interesting.Someone once wisely remarked (评论) that other countries have a climate, but England just has weather!Gretel was amused by all this talk at first, but she has got used to it now.

Last week Gretel really understood why everyone is so concerned (关注) about the weather: you can never be certain what's going to happen.Though it was spring, there was a very heavy snowfall.As usual, no one expected it.The pipes in many houses were frozen; trains failed to run; cars went shrunk; there were many accidents on the roads; lots of people slipped on the icy pavements and got hurt; the weather forecast was very bad.Everyone complained gloomily (沮丧地) , “What awful weather we're having!Haven't seen anything like it!” and so on.And then, suddenly, the sun came out, the snow melted and it was spring again.

“Typical (典型的)!Just typical!” Gretel remarked.

“From the way you talk about the weather, Gretel,” Mr Clark said, “anyone would think you were English.”


46.What does everybody talk about in England?


47.The weather is always interesting, isn't it?


48.What did someone once wisely remark?


49.Can you be certain what's going to happen?


50.What happened even though it was spring?


Ⅶ.情景交际 (10分)


A.Shall we go bike riding?

B.It was broken.

C.Yes.It's twenty­four degrees.

D.I don't like volleyball.

E.What do you want to do after school?

F.I like climbing.

Bob: The weather is so warm today.

Jim: 51.______ I shall wear shorts tomorrow!

Bob: 52.______

Jim: I've no idea.

Bob: Shall we go bike riding?

Jim: No.Let's not.I rode my bike two days ago.53.______ I think I need a new one.

Bob: What about volleyball, then?

Jim: 54.______ The ball always hits me on the head.

Bob: How about going hiking?We can climb the hill and play games.

Jim: Great.55.________Let's tell David, Lin Tao and Han Mei to go with us.

Bob: OK.See you after school!

Jim: See you.

Ⅷ.词汇题 (10分)


56.It was quite ______ (干的) in Shandong last winter.

57.There're many ______ (阵雨) every summer in our city.

58.It ______ (下雪) a lot in winter here.

59.Mike likes playing ______ (玩笑) on others.

60.Health ______ (取决于) on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.

61.It must rain last night for the ground is w______.

62.Jinan will be cloudy.The t______ will be 6­16 degrees centigrade.

63.I guess it'll p______ be very cold this winter.

64.The weather is usually very cool in f______.

65.There're a lot of c______ in the sky.It's going to rain.

Ⅸ.书面表达 (15分)

暑假就要到了,假设你们学校的外籍教师Miss Green要到青岛旅游度假,她向你 (Zhang Ming) 了解青岛一年四季的气候情况和人们在夏天所进行的体育活动。请你为她写一封信作简要的介绍,内容包括:


2.夏天是去游泳和划船的最好时间。这里的沙滩很好,适合打沙滩排球 (beach volleyball) 。

要求: 不少于70词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Miss Green,





I think you can have a good time there.Best wishes!


Zhang Ming


Ⅰ. 1.E 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A

Ⅱ.6- 10  CBAAC

Ⅲ. 11.best 12.hotel 13.on foot 14.bad 15.meals/food

Ⅳ. 16-25  BCCAD   ADACD

Ⅴ. 26-35   BAACC   BABDA

Ⅵ.  36-40  CCBA B  44-45   BADCD

46  The weather.

47    Yes, it is.

48    He remarked that other countries have a climate, but England just has weather!

49   No, I can 't.

50   There was a very heavy snowfall.

Ⅶ. 51.C 52.E 53.B 54.D 55.F

Ⅷ. 56  dry   57 showers    58 snows  59 jokes    60  depends

61. wet  62. temperature   63. probably   64. fall   65. clouds



Qingdao is in the east of China and it's near the beautiful sea.It's warm and windy in spring.It's not too hot in summer.And it rains a lot.The weather is cool in autumn.It's very cold in winter.The lowest temperature can be -4℃.Summer is the best time to go swimming and boating.The beach is very good and beach volleyball is the most popular sport there.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
