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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9417



1.Today David is busy doing his homework.So he has no time________(play)

computer games.

2.He was so exhausted that he fell________(sleep)at his desk.

3.The math problems often made us________(tiring).

4.________(one)upon a time,there was an old granny who had a golden bowl.

5.It’s polite________(say)hello to the old when we meet them.


1.He walked______the window without seeing me.

A.pass     B.pasted     C.passed      D.past

2.The old man______the street when he was hit by a car.

A.was going across      B.is going across

C.crossed         D.has crossed

3.Many great men were born in poor families________Edison.

A.such as         B.for example

C.and so on        D.compare to

4.Thank you!I’ll______your advice.

A.listen    B.hear    C.follow     D.give

5.You should stop______music;it’s time for the meeting.

A.listen to         B.listening to

C.to listen         D.listening



A.Who is the main character in it?

B.It’s a good action film.

C.It was fantastic.

D.What kind of film is it?

E.What do you think of it?

F.Where and when shall we meet?

G.You’ll have a chance next time.

A:Hi,Daming.Did you go to the concert last night?

B:Yes,I went there with my parents.

A:   1

B:Very wonderful.Some famous singers like Zhu Zhiwen and Li Yuchun sang songs at the concert.

A:What a pity!I didn’t go there because I had to look after my sister at home.

B:  2  By the way,would you like to see a film with me tonight?

A:Yes,I’d love to.   3

B:It’s an action film.

A:Great!I like action films.What’s the name of it?

B:Chinese Zodiac(《十二生肖》).It is my favourite action film.

A:   4

B:Jackie Chan.Maybe this is his last action film.

A:   5

B:What about 7:00 at Hongxing Cinema?The film begins at 7:20.

A:OK,see you then.




The cartoon series Bears Note is popular with people of ages in China.Bald strong,a logging(原木)team boss,came to the beautifulHeilongjiang forest to harvest logs with a boss Lee’s trust.But the forest had hidden two terrible rivals(对手)—the forest owner bear brothers!Xiong Da and Xiong Er!

Looking at the forest was destroyed,Bear brothers decided to fight with Bald strong to protect the forest.Xiong Da is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easily .Xiong Er is not as clever as his brother but sometimes also can defeat Bald strong with his brute force(蛮力).But the cunning(狡猾的)head cannot leave so easily.For a long time home defense lasted and Bald strong tried various thoughts to defeat bear brothers and cut down logs,but every time he failed.Finally Bald strong lost Boss Lee’s trust and gained nothing.As the saying says:Doing good will be repaid and doing evil will be punished.

The cartoon story shows us an active topic in laughter,and two bears facing the failure feel hopeful.It also tells us to protect forests,protect environment,protect ecological balance in our everyday life.

1.______is popular with people of ages in China.

A.Mickey Mouse        B.Winnie the Pooh

C.Bears Note        D.The Snowwhite

2.Who do you think destroyed the forest?

A.Bald strong.        B.Xiong Da.

C.Xiong Er.        D.Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

3.Can Xiong Er sometimes also defeat Bald strong with his brute force?

A.Yes,he can.        B.No,he can’t.

C.No,he can.        D.Yes,he can’t.

4.The story shows______.

A.an active topic in laughter

B.two bears facing the failure are hopeful

C.more to encourage people in pleasure

D.All of the above

5.From the cartoon television series,we know______.

A.Bear brothers decided not to fight with Bald strong to protect the forest

B.doing good will be repaid and doing evil will be punished

C.Xiong Er is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easily

D.it also tells us that we shouldn’t protect forests


Ⅰ.答案:1.to play 2.asleep 3.tired 4.Once  5.to say





英语同步练习a famous story 

Way of l life英语同步练习  


标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
