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英语同步练习How to learn English

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9251

英语同步练习How to learn English

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分 (15分)

Ⅰ.听句子,选择与之相匹配的图片 (5分)

Mr Liu likes reading newspapers every morning.


It's a good idea to watch English films.


Tom really enjoyed Beijing Opera when he stayed in China.


I have a pen friend from England.


You should listen to your teacher carefully in class.


Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案 (5分)

M:Betty,you like singing English songs,right?

W:Yes,but I like guessing the meanings of the words best.

6.Which of the following is Betty's favourite?

A.Singing English songs.            B.Writing English songs.

C.Guessing the meanings of the words.

M:How can I improve my English speaking?

W:How about making up English conversations every day?

7.What does the girl advise the boy to do?

A.To write English conversations.     B.To read English in class.

C.To make up English conversations.

M:Why don't you go to Sanya for your holiday?

W:OK!I'm going to Sanya with my parents.

8.Where is the girl going for her holiday?

A.To Sanya.          B.To Shanghai.        C.To Beijing.

W:Bill,you are not working hard at English.

M:Sorry,Ms Zhang.It is too difficult for me.But I will work hard.

9.What are they talking about?

A.Study.            B.Music.            C.Dinner.

M:I don't think it's easy to remember all the new words a day.

W:Why not remember only eight new words a day?

10.How many new words does the girl advise the boy to remember a day?

A.Eighteen.          B.Eight.              C.Fifteen.

Ⅲ.听短文,填写表格 (5分)

English is very important today.How can we learn English well?Different people have different ideas.,Our teacher,Miss Wang,thinks reading English every day is very useful.My classmate Fangfang says learning English songs on the radio is a good way to learn English words.Allen likes watching English films  on TV programmes and he thinks it's useful for learning English.Betty is good at English.She usually writes down all the mistakes in her notebook and studies them often.Henry tells us to remember English grammar.He thinks it's good for us to make up English conversations often.Do you think so?

Ideas of how to learn English well

Miss Wang 11.______ English every day

Fangfang Learning English 12.______ on the radiox*kb*1.c*om

Allen Watching English 13.______ on TV programmes

Betty Writing down all the 14.______

Henry Remembering English 15.______

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16.I can't answer this question,so I want to ask my teacher ______ help.

A.with      B.in              C.to             D.for

17.Her son likes sports.He enjoyed ______ the Guangzhou Asian Games last year.

A.watching       B.to watch        C.watches         D.watch

18.You shouldn't ______ energy (能源).

A.wasting        B.to waste          C.wastes         D.waste

19.It's a good habit ______ breakfast every day.

A.had            B.have           C.has            D.to have

20.My father often helps me ______ my science study.

A.to             B.with            C.on             D.for

21.—The book is a bit difficult.______ read something easier?

—All right.

A.Why not to      B.Why don't       C.Why not        D.Why not you

22.It ______ the workers about 20 months to build the Huhang high­speed railway.

A.took           B.spent           C.cost            D.paid

23.Look at the new words.Please ______ in your notebook.

A.write it down    B.write down it     C.write them down  D.write down them

24.If you don't know the meaning of the word,try to ______ it.

A.repeat          B.guess           C.smile           D.count

25.______ translate every word when you read a passage.

A.Try not to       B.Try to not        C.Try to          D.Try your best

Ⅴ.完形填空 (10分)

There is some __26__ for you to follow in order to learn English well.Firstly,it's a good way __27__ your English __28__ reading,so do more reading every day,but __29__ try to translate every word whe n you read an English article.Secondly,do more lis tening exercises.You should repeat the sentences __30__ you hear them.It's good __31__ your pronunciation.Sometimes,we offer (提供) exercises to you to number the pictures in the right order you hear them,or find the mistakes in the sentences and then correct __32__.Thirdly,try to speak to foreigners.Don't be afraid of __33__ mistakes.Take a deep breath and start a conversation with them.Always remember to enjoy yourself __34__ English learning,__35__ you will surely be good at it sooner or later.

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标签: english  learn   初二英语同步练习
