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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9207


(  )41、How does he __________ fruit salad?    A. make    B. made      C. makes       D. do

(  )42、-- ___________yogurt do you need?

A. How many     B. How much      C. How often     D. How long

(  )43、It’s getting dark. Can you ______ the light?

A. turn off         B. turn on       C. turn over      D. turn down

(  )44、Please ___the blender.Let’s taste the banana milk shake.

A. turn on         B. turn off        C. turn up       D. turn down

(  )45、Pour hot water ________the blender.      A. of      B.into      C. on      D.  up

(  )46、Finally, put______slice______ bread ______ the  top.

A.another; of; on         B. another; of; in  C. other; of; in             D. another; on; in

(  )47. _______ apples do we need to make apple pies?

A.What        B. How     C. How many   D. How much

(  )48.—Would you like some tea?--- Yes, ________

A. few           B. a few         C. little       D. a  little

(  )49.How __________bread do we need?

A. many          B. long         C. often        D. much

(  )50.There are ___________ and a cup of yogurt  .

A. two teaspoons of cinnamon  B. a teaspoon of cinnamons

C. two teaspoon of cinnamon    D. a teaspoons of cinnamon

(  )51.Let’s ___________ to the movies.

A. go           B. goes       C. went        D. going

(   )52. Lots of______are coming here.

A. women       B. woman      C. womans        D. womens

(   )53. Let's______a sandwich together.

A. to do          B. do            C. to make         D. make

(   )54. My father needs ______ now.

A. six slices of apples        B. five slices of onion

C. four piece of onions      D. five piece of breads

(   )55. I also like some ______ and ______.

A. tomato; chicken          B. tomatoes; chicken

C. tomatos; chickens      D. tomatoes; chickens

(   )56. ―What is your sister doing now?   ―______ the onions.

A. Cut up        B. Peel           C. Cutting on       D. Peeling

(   )57. - ______?   -It's twenty yuan.

A. How many is it   B. What is it   C. How money is it  D. How much is it

(   )58. He wants to know______ lettuce I want.

A. How many       B. How much    C. how many     D. how much

(   )59. Mike says he needs ______.

A. to eat anything         B. to eat something  C. eats something         D. to eating something






标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
