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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语家庭作业   阅读:9927



(    )21. ---Did you buy     special?   ---No,I bought      .

A.something,something    B.anything,something

C.anything,anything       D.anything,nothing

(    )22.He seems____ a diary every day.

A.keep    B.keeps    C.keeping D.to keet

(    )23.一How was the weather? 一It    rainy.

A.is       B.are    C.was     D.were

(    )24.一where    you go yesterday? 一I       to the beach.

A.did,go    B.did,went    C.do,go     D.do,went

(    )25.I went to the beach    vacation.

A.at    B.in    C.with      D.on

(    )26.Today I’m free.I have______ to do.

A.something much  B.nothing much    C.much something  D.much nothing

(    )27.—     do you watch TV? —Every day.

A. How much  B. How many  C. How often  D. How old

(    )28.—Did you have a good vacation?

—     . I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach.

A. I’m afraid not  B. I’m not sure  C. Of course  D. I hope so

(    )29.I often watch TV      .

A. a kind of   B. two time a week  C. three times a week  D. on times a week

(    )30.—Eating less meat      good for us. —I think so.

A. be   B. is    C. are    D. am

(    )31.—Do you often play computer games? —No,     . I don’t like it at all.

A. always  B. sometimes  C. usually   D. never

(    )32.The students play sports every day and they try    themselves healthy.

A. keep   B. keeping   C. kept    D. to keep

(    )33.—What do you like to do on weekends? —I like watching TV. Culture in China is my favorite      .

A. food   B. sport   C. program  D. subject

(    )34.—How     hours do you read English books every day? —Two.

A. many   B. much   C. often   D. long

(    )35.—Would you like some milk?—Yes, but  just      .

A. a few   B. few  C. a little  D. little


Last month, Tom spent his vacation in town. He stayed at a small              __36____near the train station for several days.

One night, before Tom   37 , he went to the owner(主人)of the hotel and asked, “Will you please wake me up at 38 tomorrow morning? I have to take the five o'clock train. ”

"Oh, sorry ,"the owner said, "I  39 get up so early. "

Then Tom asked, "Do you  40 an alarm clock?"  41 it can help me. "

"Yes. Here you are," the owner said.

Tom 42  him and went back to his room. However, when he looked at the 43

carefully, he found there was something 44 with it. Tom went to the owner again. "Excuse me ,are you sure the clock will ring on time (准时)?"

" 45 !"said the owner. "When you shake(摇晃)it at 4:40 in the morning, it will ring. ”

(    )36. A. hotel    B. restaurant   C. museum   D. square

(    )37. A. went to work B. went to bed  C. went for a walk D. took a shower

(    )38. A. 4:40    B. 5:00     C. 5:15     D. 5:30

(    )39. A. sometimes  B. often    C. usually   D. never

(    )40. A. like    B. rent    C. have    D. need

(    )41. A. But    B. Maybe    C. If     D. Or

(    )42. A. forgot   B. believed   C. thanked   D. heard

(    )43. A. clock   B. room    C. train    D. hotel

(    )44. A. famous   B. different   C. new    D. wrong

(    )45. A. I don’t think so B. I don’t know  C. Of course  D. You’re welcome



There was a heavy snow last night. Maria stayed at home. Her cousin Cara came to visit her. She came back from Beijing. She told Maria something about her vacation. "It was pretty good. "She said. Cara visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. She took a lot of photos.

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