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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语家庭作业   阅读:9909



1. I enjoy going to Dream Cinema. It has _________seats in town.

A. comfortable    B. more comfortable    C. most comfortable    D. the most comfortable

2. Town Cinema is ________to home than the other cinemas.

A. close    B. closer    C. closest    D. the closest

3. I enjoy going to Sun Cinema. It has __________waiting time in town.

A. longest    B. the longest    C. shortest    D. the shortest

4. Of all the clothes stores, you can buy clothes _________in Dream Clothes.

A. cheapest    B. cheaply    C. most cheaply    D. more cheaper

5. Which is _________radio, 970AM, 97.9 FM or 107.9 FM?

A. good    B. better    C. best    D. the best

6. Nelly always listens to the teachers __________in our class.

A. careful    B. most carefully    C. more carefully    D. most careful

7. Can I ask you _________questions?

A. some    B. any    C. few    D. a little

8. Shanghai is bigger than ________city in China.

A. any    B. any other    C. the other    D. other

9. Town Cinema is one of _________in town.

A. the best cinemas   B. good cinema   C. the best cinema   D. the better cinemas

10. Thanks for ________the school.

A. show me around   B. show around me   C. showing me around   D. showing around me

11. How do you _________Sun Cinema?

A. like    B. think of    C. think about    D. like about

12. ________is interesting to watch game shows.

A. He    B. That    C. This    D. It

13. I like watching others ________their talents.

A. show    B. showing    C. to show    D. showed

14. Tennis is getting ________in China.

A. more popular and popular                   B. more popular and more popular

C. popular and popular                        D. most and most popular

15. Jenny ________a role in the play yesterday and she acted the best.

A. made    B. played    C. acted    D. took

16. How can I make my dream _________true?

A. make    B. to make    C. making    D. made

17. The People’s Park is the best place ________on weekends in Xiaogan.

A. to go    B. to go to    C. going    D. going to

18. He bought a new bike ________1,200yuan.

A. at    B. with    C. in    D. for

19. The play was so funny that we couldn’t stop _________.

A. laughing    B. laughed    C. to laugh    D. laugh

20. Jack is the third _________in our class.

A. tall    B. taller    C. tallest    D. much taller


John is 14 years old. He is a student __1_ Grade Eight. He was a very active and happy boy two years ago. But _3__ changed after he started to play computer games. He __3_ plays basketball or football with his friends any more. And when he sits in the classroom, he can’t listen to the teachers __4_. He __5_in class. And he spends __6_time in studying. So he gets bad marks in tests. But he is very _7__ after school is over. He stays in the net bar until it is closed. Ah, he loses himself in(沉迷于)computer games. His parents can do nothing to _8__ him. Every morning in the school, when we see that he is so tired after a __9_ “busy working”, we really feel _10__.

1. A. with             B. of               C. at                D. to

2. A. everything        B. something        C. anything           D. nothing

3. A. always           B. often            C. never              D. usually

4. A. enough careful     B. careful enough    C. enough carefully     D. carefully enough

5. A. studies           B. sleeps            C. eats               D. sings

6. A. more and more     B. fewer and fewer   C. less and less         D. much and much

7. A. tired             B. same            C. different            D. outgoing

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语家庭作业
