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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9452

Some students are not so good. They often ___64 ___(违反) the rules. They destroy ___65___ (公共)property(财产), such as desks, windows, trees and flowers. But ___66___(大多数) of the students can follow the rules.

The rules are enforced by punishment(通过惩罚来执行). For example, the first time you get into a fight at school, the teacher will let your __67 ____(父母) come and take you home. The ___68___(第二) time, you will be kicked out of school, and you ___69___ (得)to transfer to another school.

I like the rules, because they make our school safe and ___70___(安静). They make it a better environment for study.


Simon is an executive(执行官) of a computer company. He was going to Dalian for a meeting. The meeting would start on January 18th, but when he called the booking office for an air ticket, he was told that there were only flights to Dalian on 17th. One was at 10:10 in the morning and the other was at 3:30 in the afternoon. Simon couldn’t leave until lunch time, so he could only take the flight at 3:30. The flight number is 366. He had to pay 960 yuan with another 50 yuan for the airport construction fee(建设费).

The following form shows some information about Simon’s air ticket. Please complete it.

Name Simon Ticket price 73._________

Date 71._________ Price in all 74.__________

Time 72._________ Flight number 75.__________




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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
