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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9899




We must speak English as much as possible __________________.

2. I dropped my wallet ____________ .

A.in my way to school B.on my way to school C. on my way home.

3. It’s useful to ______ the newspaper every day.

A. look after B. look over C. look through

3. 他坐在桌旁,快速浏览了一遍报纸。

He sat at the table , and ________________ the newspaper.

4. The wine is ____________ grapes.

A.making of B.made of C.made from

4. 这个公仔主要是棉花制成的。

The doll is mainly______________ cotton.


Our class ______________________________49 students.

5. 在那个年代,雷锋是家喻户晓的。

________________, Lei Feng was__________________________ by everyone.

6. 我们不能一次做两件事.

We can’t do two things ____________.

7. 这件毛衣是手工做的.

The sweater is made ___________________________.

8. 他没有珍惜时间,结果没考上高中。

He didn’t care the time ,__________________,he couldn’t enter high school.

9. 在晚会开始时,有一个魔术表演。

There’s a magic show _____________ the party.

10. 他喜欢看书,然后,他获得大量的知识。

He likes reading,________________,He get much knowledge.

11.your writing is not bad ____________ ,though there’re some mistakes.

A.by the way B.in a way C.in the way

12. 在某种程度上,他的话是对的。

________________, what he said is right. 与B比较

13. 比较起黑色,我更喜欢红色。I like red_______________________________black.

14. 们喜欢网上聊天,而不愿意和别人面对面交谈。

They like to chat online__________talk to others face to face.


He likes reading “Great Book”,________________ “Shuihu”.

16. 大声点,这样大家就可以听清楚了。

Speak loudly ,____________________ everyone can hear you clearly.

17. 有一天,你会梦想成真的.

Your dream will come true_____________ .


标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
