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《Unit2 welcome to the unit》教案

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9812

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To introduce the context about having a robot to help with the work for humans

2. To talk about what a robot can do

3. To learn some of the advantages of robots

II. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warm-up: To raise students’ interest, get students thinking and

talking about robots:

① Have you seen robots in the films?

② What kind of robots do you know?

③ Do you like robots? Why?

④ What do you think robots can do for you?

⑤ Would you buy a robot in the future? Why?

Step 2: welcome to the unit

1. The purpose of this part is to activate student’s knowledge of

robots and generate interests of this topic. Ask one student to read the

phrases in the word box at the top of page 19. Make sure that all students understand the meanings of the phrases such as ‘do the laundry, explorer dangerous places’ in their own words.

2. Explain the context. Daniel is explaining to Amy what robots can

do. Ask students to complete the conversation on Page 19 on their own.

3. Ask two students to read the conversation and check mistakes.

4. Encourage students to talk about if robots are harmful? Divide

students into groups to discuss.

① What do robots do harm to human beings?

② Why do they do harm to human beings?

5. Listen to the tape for the first time to learn the main idea of

the comic strip.

6. Listen to the tape for the second time to read after the tape.

7. Ask some students to act out the comic strip.

Step 3: Useful expressions

1. complaint: 不+可数名词“抱怨”;可数名词“抱怨的行动或话,投诉”

complain: 动词:complain to / about

2. post:动词‘邮寄’:. post something for sb.

III. Homework:

1. Recite the useful vocabulary and comic strip.

2. Complete some exercise.

3. Preview reading(1)


9B Unit2 Reading(1)

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To understand the idea of how robots can change our lives.

2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about life with robots.

3. To identify the good points of owning a robot.

II. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Background information: A robot is an automated machine that is

programmed to perform functions just as a human would do.

Step 2: Reading “The first person to own a robot”

1. Review the things that a robot can do in “welcome to the unit”.

Ask students whether they believe people will use robots to do their

chores for them in the future.

2. Explain the context of the reading passage. Daniel is reading an

article about having a robot at home. There are good points and bad


3. Ask students to listen to the passage, paying attention to the

pronunciation, and make some of them to read the paragraphs aloud.

4. List the good points.

5. Ask students to read each paragraph and put forward questions if

they have.

Step 3: language points

1. the first one to do sth.

2. in order to:引导目的状语,后接动词原形,可以放在句首,或句末,否定形式in order not to do sth.:

She listens to English every day in order to get good marks.

=so as to do: She listens to English every day so as to get good marks.

=in order that +从句: She listens to English every day in order that she can

get good marks.

=so that: She listens to English every day so that she can get good marks.

3. as a result: “因为,由于,由于。。。结果”, 用来做结果状语

She was late as a result of heavy rain.

4. no longer: “不再,再也不,今后不再“,指时间,多由于修饰某种具体状态,相当于not any longer, 其中any

longer 一般放在句末。

I no longer go there.= I don’t go there any longer.

(no more也用来表示不再,再也不“,但是强调数量和程度=not any more)

There’s no more water.=There is not water any more.

5. for an extra hour: extra “额外的,附加的”

III. Homework:

1. Recite the useful vocabulary and paragraphs.

2. Complete some exercise.

3. Preview reading(2)


9B Unit2 Reading(2)

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To identify the bad points of owning a robot.

2. To identify true and false statements about life with a robot.

II. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Revision: Revise the useful expressions again orally and have a


Step 2: Reading “The first person to own a robot”

1. Explain the context of the second part of the reading passage.

Daniel is reading an article about having a robot at home. There are bad points.

2. Ask students to listen to the passage, paying attention to the

pronunciation, and make some of them to read the paragraphs aloud.

3. List the bad points.

① catch a virus and cause a lot of problems

② no longer know when to cook and wake Mr. Jiang up at 4 in the morning.

③ Find his breakfast in the washing machine, clean shirts in the

dustbin, books in the sink.

④ Move around the house and knock things over

4. Ask students to read each paragraph and put forward questions if

they have.

Step 3: language points

1. be happy with = be satisfied/pleased with

2. wake sb. up

3. in the end = at last= finally

4. return sth. to sb.= give sth. back to sb.

5. decide to do sth.

III. Homework:

1. Recite the useful vocabulary and paragraphs.

2. Complete some exercise.

3. Preview “Vocabulary “

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标签: Welcome   初三英语教案
